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The earth shook as close to three dozen explosions went off throughout vale instantly busting several holes in the outer wall and killing close to two hundred people immediately. leon burst into action without hesitation and rushed through the air with his wings to render aid. using hell flame to boost himself leon hit high speed as the air screamed past him while he flew. the wind pressure alone caused great damage to his body but he ignored them for speed. leon arrived above the city in only a minute before dropping out of the sky next to the detonation site of the bomb to begin looking for survivors.

Cinders forces reared their heads at this time however as bullets began to impact leons shield while he was distracted moving rubble to free a survivor. similar clashes happened all over the city as the terrorist started their assault. having been caught unaware the cities defenders initially took heavy casualties and the group of terrorist who attacked leon were sure he was dead after blowing several holes in him , he was not. no leon wasn't dead , instead he was absolutely livid as hell flame erupted from him as his body regenerated and his vision grew much sharper suddenly.

In his eyes four black dots like smaller pupils circled his actual pupil and the knowledge of his eyes new abilities entered his mind. the level of animosity leon felt at this moment was so great his eyes had evolved and the terrorist couldn't breath from the bloodlust that filled the area. turning to look at the terrorist leon suddenly vanished in their vision as the ground he was previously standing on cratered and a sonic boom rang out. this was the ability of leons right eye [Rakurai or lightning strike]

This ability allowed leon to accelerate to where ever he was looking at extremely high speed like lightning striking from the sky , hence the name. the terrorist were dead before their bodies could even react as leon literally smashed into them at mach four. this impact burst the men like watermelons while leons much more durable body merely ruptured several organs and broke all his ribs. grievous injuries for anyone else but thanks to his semblance leon was already recovering. blood poured from leons eyes as a massive red skeletal figure began to form around around him before shrinking and covering his body like an armor.

This was the ability of his left eye [kami no keshin or divine incarnation] this ability directly effected the susanoo ability of all mangekyou condensing that absolute defense even further into an armor over the user. the signs of corruption directly faded from leons eyes after they evolved and thanks to his personality and rage at the moment of evolution leon gained the powers of a juggernaut. he was what you got when an unstoppable force fused with an immovable object. the speed to be beyond stopping and the defense to be beyond harming , he was beyond pissed.

The lifeforce lake that leon maintained at all times was rapidly depleting as it was used to maintain leons eyesight as he fully utilized his new eyes. the damage his eyes suffered from activation was negated by his semblance but only so long as he had stores left over. leon knew this and flashed high into the sky with his new ability before raising his hand and unleashing a rain of hell fire arrows at every terrorist he could visible see. the flaming dark red bone-like armor around leon along with his now armored wings , tail and horns made those who saw him think the devil himself had come to punish the wicked.

Even the most unreligious of people were in awe and horror as the screams of the terrorist filled the air as literal hell flame fell like rain. not all the terrorist simply accepted their deaths at leons hand and shot at him with everything they had but the armor made this a futile effort. hell had descended to earth and the devil had come to spread his rage to the wicked.


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