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Team Aqua was still a problem but they had lessened their activities after the disaster that had happened. Sad as it was Hoenn hadn't been this crime free in decades and it was likely to stay this way for at least a few years. Shaking my head to get rid of these thoughts I turned my attention to the task at hand. It was messy work and I got more than a few spiteful looks from the old woman as I burned through my large reserves of energy to heal the major issues in every person I went to.-

Where the others with the same ability had to ration their energy to just barely stabilize patients I outright fixed them before sending them off for those that still needed treatment. The old Joy might hate me as a person but not even she could bring herself to criticize my effectiveness. In the short few hours I had been here I had healed no less than twenty critically injured back to minorly injured status. That doesn't sound like a lot but each of them would take days of treatment to stabilize and much more to heal to their current level if they only got the normal treatments.-

When I finally ran out of energy nobody stopped me from sitting down and meditating to restore it. Even during that period no one bothered me either under the old woman's orders since she clearly knew what I was doing. That didn't mean I didn't have any distractions however as a man tried to force his way in for treatment for his broken arm disregarding the lives of the more injured selfishly. I frowned after hearing it and opened my eyes and lifted up my eyepatch before sending an aura infused glare his way.-

He stiffened and went extremely pale as he met my gaze before wisely deciding he would live with his arm being broken a bit longer. The old Joy briefly met my gaze and flinched but I ignored it to go back to meditating. After refilling my energy stores I immediately went to work healing the seriously injured again. It was only a week later that all that remained were the people with more manageable injuries and I finally allowed myself to get a break. My stimulant potion had proven perfect for going without sleep for this entire time but by this point I had to actively channel aura into my head to keep the backlash of not sleeping for so long from showing up.-

Human minds weren't designed to work without sleep for so long and it showed as the consequences of it were quite severe. In my own case I was barely keeping them back with my aura but this wasn't sustainable. I found a spot and simply allowed myself to sleep and I was out instantly. I ended up sleeping nearly twelve hours before waking up feeling much better.-

I collected my after waking up and headed over to the lab to get some tests ran on the little one that had gotten a lot of attention over the last week. He had been a sort of wellness mascot with his innocent attempts at helping. Despite this however I had to not so nicely tell several people demanding i sell him to them to fuck off. Most of the time it ended there but twice someone didn't take no for an answer and things escalated. They didn't die but I busted their ear drums since they weren't listening , leaving them deaf.-

Was it cruel? Yes it was. Was it effective? Highly. Thanks to those two examples no one else pushed their luck after I told them no the first time. I will point out however that busted eardrums while painful and deafening weren't a permanent issue and will naturally heal in time. This meant that my punishment wasn't even that bad all things considered. Still I had given my word to Birch that I would try and avoid lethal measures and so far I had honored that promise even if I had been quite tempted. The old Joy was pissed about my actions though but I could only shrug it off.-

At the lab Samantha was giving me crazy scientist vibes as she ran a bunch of tests on the little one with a maniacal smile. Morphology , fitness , energy readings , type affinity and a few others as well to give a rough but accurate overview of the little ones condition. The type affinity was where things got a bit complicated as the little one didn't HAVE a typing. To be more specific it possessed equal parts affinity to every typing simultaneously. That affinity was HIGH to boot making it perfectly suited to learn and use literally every typing.-

After going over the results I almost thought Samantha was going to murder me for the little one if the absolutely vicious glare she gave me was any indication. By definition the little one counted as normal type but it was clear that it was in a class all it's own. The fitness test went about how I expected with him completing each test well above where a normal Feebas newborn would. The energy readings were also sky high for it's age as well but again there was no surprise there.-

The only test that had a strange result was the toxicology test on his tails poison. The poison itself was a mix of dark , poison and grass type energies in a liquid form that quite literally caused whatever it touched to decay. In other words even as a newborn the little one was highly lethal as Samantha flat out stated that a single scratch with that tail and a person would probably be reduced to a puddle of goo within five minutes. After learning that it was hard to consider the little one a harmless cute little bundle of curiosity and innocence.-

Not to say that it changed a thing about how I treated the little one but I now knew that I had to be careful around other with him as he might accidentally merc somebody otherwise. It wouldn't even be hard either as a small knick from his tail and suddenly that unfortunate soul is getting rotted to death in a short period of time. I asked Samantha to try and work up an antidote or at the very least a counter agent for the poison so I didn't have to watch somebody die on accident. -

I wasn't personally worried about the poison though as it was energy based which meant my aura was more than capable of basically nullifying it the moment it entered my body. The same was true of the rest of my team as well since they all trained with aura themselves. For everyone else though it would be a wise idea to carry a way to neutralize the poison with me at all times. It took two days of near constant experimentation for Samantha to whip up a counter agent that was able to stop the spread of the poison but not strong enough to remove it entirely.


Cole Bromley

Thanks for the chapter!

Linzie Salmons

I NEED a picture of the little one so I can make it my screen saver