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So aniway I'm being evicted, don't bother to help. I can end with evrything easily.


Feel free to keep supporting me, even if it isn't helpful anymore.



This is terrible. I've been evicted MANY times in my life. I know how it is. Please be safe and keep us updated and let us know.


Yeah I feel ya. But try.


As a long time follower of yours since the ytp era and now patreon... I just wnat to say that if all looks bleak, please don't do a permanent solution to a temporal problem. I can understand it IS shittty and awful at its core, but please. Take care man. Me has sido de grandes momentos y no quisiera verte irte mibuen. Cuidate mucho y de alguien que te admira de cierto modo solo espero y puedas levantarte aunque se que suena inverosimil o inconsiderado. Cuidate SLB. espero y pronto encuentres una buena solucion :(

Purple Mantis

Oh...well sadly money can't easily fix that. 😕 Either way, if there is ANYTHING we can conceivably do to help please say so. Otherwise I hope things get better there sooner than later.

GreatDragon AD

Oh man... I'm sorry to hear. Ive been following and supporting your work for so long and I am grateful for all that you've done but never expect something like that happen to you. It sound like you have given up hope but at least do what you can to hold on. I am hoping you aren't doing anything drastic.


En verdad perdona que no podemos ayudar


Very sorry to hear. I wish your situation and circumstances change for the better soon. 🙏