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May i change to voting stuff thing for the biggest pledging and make some request/commish limited slots at the beggining of the month. :)



Sounds cool Slb! I'd go for it yo.


Happy to see how far this has gone in month and wish the best on the next, as for the commission and voting. They both sound good, will the limited commission list be posted here?


Surely. Gonna see how it works. So the bigger pledge can be limited for a few number of patrons, so that will help. Yeah, i know what you pledged for *Snorty giggles*


Anything that adds more money to the pockets of a artist who deserves it, hope things continue to get better for you bro :) . As for my commission, hahah yeah I'm a pervy fan who loves your awesome work. *giggle* and a certain big booty witch :3


Sounds like a plan.