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 Battletoads (1991-2019) 


Sleepy Dave

As far as the upcoming game goes, I shall reserve judgement until I've had a chance to try it out. As far as the above pic goes.... YOWZA!!!


Imagine how pissed off people would be if they did that to Ivy, from Soul Calibur. They're basically the same type of character, but I guess Battletoads is family friendly. Even though, the original game was way above the difficulty level of most kids, and I doubt any kid is going to wanna get the new game unless their parent(s) already gets it for themselves.


The original Battletoads were most aimed to teens, and they went nuts in the arcade game because they didn't had to deal with censorship.


I feel your pain bro :-(


This suck ! Smh


Your art is awesome. I meant the change for her. Keep up the work!

Loonia Infinity (edited)

Comment edits

2021-08-22 09:07:46 Awesome! I especially love the staff. <3
2019-06-11 13:02:10 Awesome! I especially love the staff. <3

Awesome! I especially love the staff. <3

David Rudisill

To the person who redesigned the Queen: [*Vince McMahon style*] YOU'RE FIRED!