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Patreon doesn't seems to allow for now Zip,Win, PSD extensions or files above 200mb.

I'll try to use again Mega or similar storage methods until they fix this (Implaying they will).

(However certain alt Star site will probably allow PSD files)


Mick guge

If you are going back to MEGA, could you , if able, make a folder with all the monthly rewards since the last time you used MEGA for them?


I want try to re-arrange all that i can. Only problem is most of them are PaintToolSai files and it gonna take me a lot to save as PDF.

Fen Longpaw

Odd that it's not letting you add zips since I saw another creator's post yesterday with multiple zips attached


Might try again, but they kept showing me a message that says is not a compatible extension or/and it should not be 199mb, when my win files aren't that big.