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Good evening my darlings!
Some of you may have noticed that I been inactive here on the Patreon page-- And that's exactly the topic at hand

Some sources and friends have told me that my Patreon page has been shared in Third Party sites that I won't quote here to avoid problems.

Therefore-- Content that's here might be visible on these Third Party sites. And that's no good.
So, because of that, I have to be a bit harsh, so keep in mind:

For safety reasons, I'll be posting, interacting, and updating members of all of any new content on our Discord server. That you can join by signing up!

Please, if you are one of our members on Patreon, please, it's crucial for you to join the Discord server so you can keep yourself updated on what I'm doing! ! !

For now, that's about it. What I can say here is that I'm taking small breaks for health reasons (drawing all day wasn't really my forte, and it's showing now)-- A burnout is bad, and what I'm feeling is worse--

But I'll make better! You guys will see! <3 For now I end on this, love you darlings, stay tuned. And remember to join the Discord server!



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