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Hey guys, like I say in the video, a GREAT BIG 'I'M SORRY' for not communicating about this sooner. 

As I also say at the top, I won't be charging for this video.

This video will be up (minus the patreon update) tomorrow. If you want to just skip it then go to about 2:40.

I wish I had been better at communicating, but it's just been a very difficult few months and tbh, these issues have always made staying on top of things a bit of a challenge.

I am taking steps to address this problem and I just hope that it's fruitful and that both I  and the channel can weather all of this when everything is said and done.

Thanks so much for your support, it means the world to me. And again, copious apologies if you feel I haven't fulfilled my obligations to you guys as a content creator. 


Where I've Been & The Medical Issue That's Been Kicking My A$$ (with special intro for Patrons)



Hi, Vadim, Copious best wishes and positive vibrations that you're completely better soon! Your video was both heartfelt and funny, just like all of your work. Take care!


Hey Vadim! Thank you for the update. I'm so sorry to hear about your health issues. You managed to make the video much more entertaining than a video with such a serious subject would normally be. Please do whatever you need to do to get better. Looking forward to seeing a rested and re-charged Vadim whenever that is possible🥰


Thanks, I'll be getting out a few as I'm getting better, but hope to be really kicking all the more ass once I have this issue dealt with properly. I really appreciate your kind words, means the world to me. Hugs :)


Vadim! Hang in there, man. Get well. I love everything you do and I am stoked to see what's next. 🖤🖤🖤


Always do what's best for your health Vadim. Don't stress over us patrons. Once you get back to your healthy mind and body, everything else will work itself out. Totally cool if you don't feel comfortable, but feel free to DMb me with bouncing any concerns you have dealing with neurologists. Resulting from a traumatic brain injury, I have to meet with neurologists & neuroscientists a couple times a year. After a couple sleep studies, I'm on a CPAP now which sux since falling asleep is already an issue. Hit me up if you think I could help in any way with information Don't put pressure on yourself. Going forward whatever you decide is best for you will be the correct decision.


I hear you... It's hard not to put pressure on myself RN, I do believe everything will work itself out, but since I haven't been active and may not be active at some point in the future, I kind of have to make a base amount just to make sure I can take care of this stuff and just live my day to day... It can give you anxiety when you're not getting your job-job done. But that being said I do think I'll be ok like I said, I'm just trying to do everything within my power to make sure it is. Thanks for the kind words and if I have any questions for you I'll shoot them to you. I appreciate your time with all that. Best :)


Maybe it's the vodka talking, but what I took away from this is that Vadim is going to put out more, so fuckin win for us! Keep posting those videos of your ass! Seriously though, I have had issues with sleep my whole life. Between how awful it feels and the way people either don't understand or completely don't empathize, it is maybe even worse for me than shit like depression and anxiety. I for one am not worried about your posting frequency, you clearly put a lot of work into what you do, so when you are ready, post more. Don't beat yourself up about it. I appreciate you letting us know where you are at in your struggle, because opening that door can be the most difficult part.


Hey Vadim, I hope your sleep problems get resolved quickly. Love you brother, David


We love you Vadim; do whatever it takes to get healthy and speaking for myself, I'll still be there when you get back... :) <3


Just signed up to support you for the first time because of this video. Hope you start feeling better soon


I never left your channel. I beat myself over the head that I didn't support you sooner. My 1st patreon was JimCantSwim. An amazing crime youtuber but he has over a million subs now so he doesn't need my patreon. I hope more people will do this and please take your time. I'm certain you will get your 100.000 subs


I've had chronic insomnia for many years as well. At my absolute worst, I slept like 5 hours total in a week. Then I got addicted to benzodiazepines when I used them for sleep. After I quit them the insomnia came back even harder. You having sleep paralysis on top of all that sounds like pure hell. I wish I could give you advice but I bet you've already tried everything. If not, try Melatonin perhaps, or weed? Or one of the antihistamines that also makes you sleepy such as Alimemazine. You've probably heard of all these already... Please take care of yourself Vadim! You'll beat this!


I care about you, not the output. Take care of yourself.


Hey man! Please take your time to feel better, we love you 💖


So this is a weird time to be a new patron. Wishing you all the best. I will sure stay a patron, but have you considered making the Patreon a per month thing instead of per video, to take the pressure off? Surely many would understand.


I'm so sorry man. A friend's sister developed a severe sleep disorder several years ago so I have a bit of an idea what you're going through. It's horrifying what happens to the human brain after just a few days without sleep.


Sleep disorders are terrible! I’m at a job where we work with C-PAP patients and these machines literally change their LIVES, so I’ve seen first hand how much getting consistent sleep can improve the quality of your life. I’ve been meaning to become a Patron WAY sooner bc I’ve been watching CC for so long and I’m definitely stay around for your new content, but I’m glad I took the plunge now. Hope you recover soon, not just for our sakes, but for your well-being!


It’s weird to take the leap and become a patron because of this video. But Klein-Levin syndrome (severe sleep disorder) almost wrecked my brother’s life in a bunch of ways. And I’ve dealt with undiagnosed autoimmune issues for forever. All that to say, I feel for you. Love your content. Take care of yourself.


Vadim, long time fan here. Just saw the video about what you're going through and joined Patreon. Hope this helps! Please take care!

Melody Williamson

I hope everything works out. I love your content and you seem like such a kind genuine person. I'm looking forward to whatever you have planned with Vaush. I'll keep supporting you no matter what!! I know I'm only a $1 patron but still.


As someone who has been dealing with something that messed with my sleeping a lot (even if it didn't turn out to be a sleeping disorder per se), I can imagine how rough this can be and I hope you can find a way to deal with this and continue your amazing work.


Thanks so much Jonas, I should be posting an update soon, so keep your eyes peeled for that. All the best!


I may change things up if I feel like that's the best route, I'm hoping to get back to having more than one vid a month which I think I can manage if I make some videos that involve less of me being on camera here and there and make some vids that are a bit shorter than the forty minute plus essays I've done recently. I still want to make those a big part of the channel because I just enjoy that format and often have a lot to say (plus the jokes I throw in make things longer) but I think I can find a happy medium between the two. If I do switch, I'll let people know , but it would become a bit problematic if I miss a month. I don't want to charge people for months that I'm not creating, that's obviously unfair. Anyhow, big thanks, big hugs and all the best :)


Happy to join the support train


You've brought me so much joy that it's no problem becoming a Patreon, even if I can't afford much.


I still have the per month option, it's what I prefer. I also upped it and my girlfriend also subbed. All we ask is you make what you want and you take care of yourself. Your videos are routinely an hour long with a very good editing, tons of incredibly funny jokes, good-bad CG effects and just general brilliance so if it takes two months per video, I'm great with that :)


You're at the top with Philosophy tube, Contra points and H-bomber guy in terms of production value and quality of content, If you didn't have health issues and took two months to make every video I would still look forward to them as much as I do now. So considering the health issues you definitely deserve the room to breathe and be free of pressure. Take care.


Hope you feel better man. I've enjoyed your content for years and to be honest I always felt like I was ripping you off at a dollar a video. So I'm now officially paying more, I hope it helps take some of the pressure off. I'm looking forward to your new content, but please take your time if you need it and take care of yourself.


I suffer from life-long insomnia. My HMO, Kaiser offered me Melatonin:( :( Well if it makes you feel any better, we are both at higher risk for dementia so even if we never improve, we both may eventually forget that we have it. I wish you luck.


Actually, I have a recommendation. When I had my worst insomnia, I began to practice Progressive Muscle Relaxation right before bed. I am not sure it helped the actual insomnia at all. However, I felt so much more relaxed and improved when I made it a habit. I even felt more relaxed mentally. I would also recommend a 20 minute breath daily breath meditation. Think of it as another way to give your brain rest and recovery. Think of the learning curve like learning to walk on a tightrope. It takes practice and repetition to develop connections in the brain. Let me know if I can help further in any way.


Hey Melody, thanks so much for the good vibes & every little bit definitely counts. Hope you're great!


Thanks Sean! I have a bunch of videos in the works, posting a sneak peek at my next vid today. Just so you know, I will be experimenting with making some shorter videos in the future (not like super short for the most part) but regardless of the length I'll be putting out more material and the work put into them will be the same so if you have things at the per month basis it will all average out workwise. Thanks so much, your support and kind words are greatly appreciated.


Ah, thanks so much Kev, you weren't ripping me off at all, but the gesture is greatly appreciated. All the best


LOL, yes, unfortunately I know of the dementia risk. I'm sorry you have dealt with insomnia that long and I hope there's some light at the end of that tunnel for you, for sure. Thanks, Steve.


Yeah, I unfortunately get some of the same symptoms that I do when I'm trying to go to sleep during mediation, which has made it ineffective for me because it disrupts the benefits of mediation. That might sound confusing, but I'd have to get into the symptoms I didn't describe in the video for it to really make sense. I am going to try and meditate again, though just to see, sometimes I get something out of it and I'll definitely look into progressive muscle relaxation.


It would be AWESOME to FINALLY reach that benchmark. Thank you so much for your support, posting something here today (a sneak peak) and will hopefully have the full vid up in a week or so. :)


No need to be sorry! It's a bummer, but I'm trying my best to deal with it. Hopefully the things I have in the works will make the situation better. All the best, Catloaf :)


Thanks Christine, CC should be finding his way into the Scott Pilgrim/Incel video I mentioned. But keep that a secret. Shhhhhh! :)