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Trying something out this week. Reposting from my community tab:


TREMBLE IN FEAR of the new video schedule!

Gonna give this a try this week. The same games overall, but one video per day, so the usual couple of hour long videos (or the four half hour videos) will be combined into one two hour video. We'll see what kind of affect having one video per day has on things. The previous schedule was about 10 hours of stuff per week, so a two hour video five days per week maths out to be the same overall total, just simpler. Multiplayer fills in for the other two days. They're my "weekend" but I split them across the week so that we don't get two Lethal Company videos in a row, for example.

My other goal is to reduce the overall number of slots. I think things'll just be much cleaner if we're only playing one or two games at a time, so as the current games wrap up, I'm going to air even more of the other games instead of starting a new one, until most of them are wrapped up and we can wipe the slate clean. Then when the time comes to air stuff like Pseudoregalia, Blacksad, or Portal Revolution (games I have backlogged atm), they'll be airing like 3-4 times a week, consecutively instead of concurrently, which will be the new norm for a while. We'll see how that does.

Not every game will follow this schedule. For example I can't expect Toaster to binge record with me like that for BG3 or Password. So ultimately we'll have to be flexible. One or two shows might be weekly, as logistics require, while others are more bingeable.

I want to maintain the channel's overall variety: I want to keep playing indie games, puzzle games, soulslikes, and RPGs, while sometimes dipping into the past to play old classics. But instead of trying to maintain all of those genres as timeslots all at the same time, which is part of how we got such a mess to begin with, I think I'll just have to use my best judgement in rotating between the different genres as we go. Given that we may be covering eight hours of a single game per week, the current game should be changing quite frequently.

What does this mean for the Patreon voting system? I honestly don't know. Thankfully I can hold off on questioning that for a bit because the Patreon game right now is BG3 and it's So. Damn. Long. But given that we're moving away from timeslots, there may not really be room for it anywhere in here, logistically. End of an era! I think I started the patreon vote back in 2015, before I went full-time, in a completely different environment where it was normal to upload eight shorter videos per day. Before the Early Access tier it was a pretty solid perk that I attribute to my current success. That said, with ya'll voting on games like Fallout New Vegas and Baldur's Gate 3 back to back, the perk has kind of withered on the vine. Oh no, what has democracy done??? Seriously though I think we had two votes in all of 2023, so I don't think it'll be hugely missed at this point. Here's a promise though: if I do put an end to the Patreon vote, I'll at least hold one final nomination and voting cycle after BG3 is finished to honor those that stuck with it all this time, and that'll be the next game on whatever the current schedule looks like.


BEAR WITH ME sorry sorry sorry the Patreon Early Access part numbers might stop matching up correctly since I'm combining multiple episodes (2-4 each) to make the new public episodes. It's gonna be a bit of a mess. That kinda sucks? Because the whole reason I say "parts x to y" is so that you can seamlessly transition from the public posts to the patreon ones and know where you left off. I might be able to fix it, in a week or so when the dust settles? But it's gonna be a pain.



Kristine Harbek

Oh, and I'm also absolutely in favour of the format change. I find it difficult to watch a slow-and-steady release, and prefer to binge things. I loved BG3 and TOTK but it's been 2 months since the last time I watched either, because I simply couldn't sustain interest. (I'll probably binge more later!) I'm also more likely to give a proper shot to things I'm not as convinced by if I can watch more of it at once. If I'm on the fence about something, I'm more likely to drop it if I actually have to make an effort to keep up with it. But if it's like a 2-3 hour video, then I might keep it on just cause... it's already on. So if focused release is better for viewership, then hell yeah! PS: I know you pride yourself on completing things, but I feel like you should give yourself a couple 'veto' opportunities per year or something, to guiltlessly drop games you're simply not enjoying. Especially if they're long. (Like, I adore Project Zomboid - partially because I bought it in early alpha and watched its development - but I wasn't that sad when you stopped playing, because you clearly didn't enjoy it as much as I do.)

Jackie Falcone

Aww I hope we get to keep the patreon vote! 😢