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It says two parts but it's actually 7 hours because we're currently entering binge mode. We're just kinda ready to wrap this one up so we can play something else, since we started this all the way back in June.


Let's Play Password Parts 99-100 Tyson Route A (Patreon Early Access)



Looks like we found the massacre ending after all. RIP Tyson, Jesus Christ. Speed running ending A so you can move on to another project seems prudent. I can't speak for anyone else but my last ounce of goodwill for this game dried up with the stolen stock photos reveal. That's just not okay.


Good idea with trying to finish this up, the "scene" made me lose any good faith in the game if i had any. Still gonna watch it since your conversations are a big highlight (especially when you were discussing Tyson's tropes or how to improve writing in general). Ty for the patience and sacrifices you had to make