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A bit of bad news, maybe?

I may slow down a bit because I'm fairly ahead of schedule and could use more time to focus on writing. Over the last month I've been putting out as much as 50% more content (here on Patreon) than I actually need to keep up with my weekly schedule, so I can afford to do a bit less.

On some level I feel a pressure to maintain output, even when I'm ahead, because I feel like I need something to post here every few days, but that seems like a very bad idea to let take root lol.

Additionally, New Vegas is the game I'm most behind on, so for the next week or two any recordings I do (besides Toaster and Stephanie sessions) will probably be that. Gotta eat our veggies lol. I know FNV is the least popular series on the channel, and the least viewed thing in Patreon Early Access, and it's very long, but I finish what I start!

I suppose I wish the game had more of a discovery arc, which is what makes a playthrough of Dark Souls or Fear & Hunger so interesting for all parties involved. I know it's far from a flat game, from how people talk about it, but RPGs with massive variability can still feel super straightforward when experienced once, and after a dozen hours or so FNV definitely sets into a formula. You move from character to character to be exposited at, and they may say interesting things, but the surrounding gameplay stays largely the same from hour 1 to hour 100.

I don't doubt people who say it's their favorite game ever, but I also look at that and see why people probably stopped watching ages ago, and why I've been procrastinating with it a bit compared to more intriguing experiences.

Anyway, my goal is to have three video essay scripts done soon-ish? Here's hoping.


Let's Play Fear & Hunger 2: Termina Parts 16-18 (Patreon Early Access)



Take your time! Your wellbeing is always worth more than putting out content quickly. Besides, it gives us new patreon subscribers time to catch up on some of the longer games like Echo and New Vegas.

Michael LaPorte

You've been misinformed again, unfortunately. Both the Bremen documents and the Pocketcat books were coincidence; those drops are all random.