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(I got Grimace'd by ItsWillowBabey)

I thought Plush was going to be my next essay, and THEN I thought Before You Depart would be, but I've been making good progress on a Black Mirror script lately. Originally I was just interested in Demon 79, but the more I thought about the season, the more I had to say. At the moment, though, the scripts for each episode dead end, unfinished, except for Beyond the Sea and Demon 79, which both likely require revision but at least exist as a draft.

So! Script preview! Hopefully I can get into the swing of things someday and make this a more frequent thing than it has been this year, as I'd like to hit a rhythm where I can finish a video every other month. Who knows.

For the record, I currently kind of fucking hate this script. I hate my Plush one, too lol. I like my ideas before I articulate them, but by the time I hash them out my confidence is usually shot and  I start wanting to work on something else. I'm kind of forcing myself to finish this one because it's stressing me out how old the Adastra video is already. Looking at what is now an "8 months ago" tag has me feeling like I'm squandering the opportunity I was given on that channel.

Given that the Plush essay isn't that far off from being done itself, and BYD shouldn't be very long, I might actually finish all three scripts and then go to the recording and editing mines for a loooong time. It'd be nice, by comparison, to have three hours of video split between three separate videos that I feel incrementally rewarded for releasing instead of one massive agonizing video project lol

Preview: https://docs.google.com/document/d/15Np6nJPcQ6aeP4I27YbsCWOR2NaYAsCiXhRF37r1hEk/edit?usp=sharing

Let me know if there's something that doesn't make sense, other feedback etc. I'm also talking out my ass a bit about Death Note in this one and need to rewatch it before I finish the script because I haven't actually seen it in ages. Sometimes you just have to power forward so that something gets written, then check if you were actually right later.

The funny thing is that we're now three videos deep into a tangent that got out of control. I was getting rather excited about a Myst video idea, but a few thousand words in I realized that I was going to have to replay six games and re-read three books for it, so I pivoted to do Plush as a "quick and easy" project that would reset the timer on how long it'd been since the last video. Months ago. Now I'm making three other videos, probably, and might not even like my Myst idea anymore by the time I look at it again. Who knows.

No one knows what they're doing.

Last Month's Plush preview & blog rant: https://www.patreon.com/posts/lets-plays-vs-84468991



Seems very interesting, but I always felt that Death Note kind of was shonen power level rigmarole, on the level of Dragon Ball Z, just "I'm actually smarter than you!" instead of how many mountains they can punch their opponent through; different framing, but the same idea. The Black Mirror episode is definitely a smarter take on the premise. I'm looking forward to the essay potentially coming to fruition.