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IDK, we might not release this one publicly, or it might need an editing pass to remove some of the conversations first, or something.

We found the writing style and sense of humor pretty grating, and were increasingly bewildered by the behavior of characters that we were told are college students. A mix of anime lolrandom SHOUTING and infantilization that we were just NOT ready for.

We played it because it was recommended by a bunch of people. I'm plenty used to being critical, but it kind of hits differently when we're talking about a single indie developer in a tight-knit community who will most likely see it?

I'm somewhat questioning the future of the Let's Try series. Since we've covered a lot of the audience favorites already, I feel like the tone is going to change from "here are intriguing, promising projects" to "here's a bunch of indie jank" and since we go in blind I can't really tell which one a game is going to be until it's too late. I can't really go by audience recommendations because that's how we got here.

It'd be rough to see the most popular series on the channel come to an end, but I also don't want to be the one who personally reaches across the internet and crushes someone's will to create?

*shrug* let me know your thoughts if you watch it.


Let's Try Socially Awkward - Something is UP With, uh, EVERYONE in This Game

Watch more Let's Trys like this one! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5dr1EHvfwpPZdMopjSl2d4nhM1xrOi5P Support what I do by subscribing on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/SebastianSB My Twitter: https://twitter.com/SebastianSB Join our Discord: https://discord.gg/269QfMEbkb Play Socially Awkward via Itchio: https://monchimutt.itch.io/socially-awkward Basically every game in this series is a game I got a code for. Marrow & Toaster art by Paintfox34. Game Description: Socially Awkward is an 18+ semi-linear furry visual novel using emotional cues to portray the story of each individual character on certain topics and reactions. You are Jayce (Name can be replaced). An insecure half-breed cat who just started his college life. Follow his day-to-day to uncover each character's past to get to know them as well as figure out the world around him.



Might be worth turning some of the duds into shorts instead to recoup the loss of a full episode? I'm sure even if it is a miserable experience there are still a joke or two happening that isn't mean spirited towards the creator.

Harvest Mouse Productions

If you listen carefully, you can hear the exact moment Toaster's soul left his body while reading this


In this specific case, it would be fine to release it without too much concern given that other VN readers have also had similar issues with the lol-random humour and difficult pacing. This VN has been around for some time and so most of those with issues have stopped talking about this specific project. As for the future of the series, it may be less risky to talk with people who have read it (and you trust their tastes), even if it ruins the completely blind element of it. Either that or cutting it into shorts/ similar content to compensate for the lack of an episode.


Do what you feel comfortable with. I do understand worrying about how this creator might react since the writing style comes off so earnest. I don't think everything you try and don't like will feel that way. I know a lot of people adore Tennis Ace and I personally can't get into it, but the creator is one I imagine is a lot more receptive to criticism or able to ignore it without it affecting their creative drive. So a case-by-case basis makes sense, but if that's too much for you to consider over each short series then just scrap it.


My gut says the creator can take a negative review, they've been at this for a while. You have already tried most of the heavy-hitters in the furry VN space that seem up your alley. There's only so many different ones, and you've been doing this weekly. Not sure how much more there is do in this vein without going deeper into some of them.


I can see where you're coming from. It's unlikely that every game you try in this series is up to the standard of other VNs we've seen you play. What if you were to reach out to the creator of the VN to see if they would be uncomfortable with you releasing this? As for me, I liked to get to know about this VN even if the writing is a bit jarring.


I think posting it would be fine in this case. While you both didn't enjoy parts of it, you weren't overly negative or mean about the project, just critical. You even praised things like the art, animations, and music so it wasn't a wholy negative experience. As for what to do with the Let's Trys, maybe take a break from VNs for them if you're concerned about quality? Or could maybe branch off the furry VNs into non-furry ones if you still like the genre but don't wanna try every random one. Regardless, I'm gonna check out all the Let's Trys since it is a nice taste of a game to maybe spark interest.


I think it is worth posting publically because you two are fair in your criticism and give the reasoning behind it. All you've said is fair and not punching down, so if an adult person breaks from criticism, that is more on them in my eyes.


I felt that all your criticisms were fair and well articulated, you guys had some very sage insight at points, and I didn’t feel like you were dog piling on this creator’s work. I really enjoyed watching! But ultimately you should do what you're most comfortable with! It seems you have reservations after doing a poll on twitter and putting it up on Patreon, if you still have reservations after all that for the sake of your own comfort maybe keeping this as a Patreon exclusive is the best call. What’s so endearing about this Let’s Try series is that you and Toaster are having fun trying out different games and goofing off voicing characters. I think that’s why people are liking the series so much, at least that’s the case for me! While it’s cool seeing you guys play FVN I think ultimately it comes down to what you guys enjoy doing and not the specific game genre you play. I get a feeling your community is willing to let you experiment and figure out what the next steps are for the Let’s Try series, after all the whole premise is about trying things out! I think you can try different things if you worry the FVN path has run it’s course. Regardless, I look forward to seeing where the series goes :)