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I wanted to respond to this publicly (with some details removed) because it touches upon wider topics, gives me an excuse to discuss some things, and it's just more efficient to broadcast this stuff than to have individual conversations with everyone.


Hi Keith,

First of, I haven't been able to say this before now. congrats on over 100k subs. I am not expecting a replay to this. I am more hoping that you take this in they way I would like it to be. Feedback.

This is not some sort of 'do this, or I stop giving you money' kinda deal. Its just right now, Something with your channel has me worried, and it is cause me to consider withdrawing my pateron support. I have been lurking on your channel since you had about 2015. Your the reason I started my own Youtube channel. As I wanted to understand the problems you have to deal with better. I have alot of respect for you. And it has been great seeing your channel expand and grow.

I dont mind you reducing your schedule, it kinda makes sense, the last thing I would want to happen is see you with video game burn out. I think it has been sensiable what you have done. And how you handle things. Its a shame, as I do wonder now, if you will ever get back to turn based games again (expansion for xcom 2, pheonix point, mutant year zero, to name a few) or get to the recent puzzle games like the room 4 or house of devinci 2. But time will tell with your new schedule, but thats just a tiny bit of possible entitlement creeping in, sorry.

Now we get to the but. I am worried about your pateron schedule. It used to be daily, which kinda made me feel important to the channel. But it is now down to 3 times a week. I do feel that with the pateron series, that should be for front on your channel, as that is where your income is. When you was playing Dead Space, we could see the date of the saves you was making for Dead Space. So, it was jaring seeing such old dates on recent content. I know its great to have a back log of videos, but at the same time, this is the content that people are voting on.

There is another little fact from a voters point of view. The voting list is getting daunting and large. With the new schedule, I am worried, that sooner or later, a 100+ hour game will get voted in, and that will end up lasting for about 6 months of your channel. Again, I cant say how i'd react in that situation, it would depend on the game.

When I started writing this, I wasnt sure what to suggest. The first thing that jumped to mind, was to make your pateron series daily again. Get it front an centre. But while writing, I did think about another idea. It was while I was trying to explain my worry of a long length game getting voted in that it hit me. You initial reaction will be to go 'oh no', but hear me out please.

Start a second pateron series. As I have expressed, I am worried about a long game getting into your limited window. So what if, you tried a structure like this. People who get to nominated games for $11, can nominate games that have a game length of up to 16 hours. This makes pateron series 1. Thats 3 times a week. People with Orange names, can nominate a game upto 40 hours in game length, that will be part of the nonimations for Pateron series 2. People with Purple names, can nominate games over 40 hours in game lengthm that also will be part of the nominations for Pateron series 2. And Pateron series 2, is 4 days a week. This will keep the current pateron series as it is, with short games, so a higher turn over of games. While Orange and Purple named people, get their own Pateron pool, where they can nominate longer games.

I dont know, if people would be happy with this idea at all. But I do think you need to recentre your pateron on your channel, just because, at some point, with your current way of doing it, if a long game gets voted in. You will get no voting going on for months. And depending on the game, it could make or break your channel. It also gives more of a reason for people to go to the Orange/Purple levels of your subs. To get into a smaller pool of selection, with a higher change of getting the game voted in, as the game list will be smaller.

I honestly, don't know. I want your channel to do well. This is why I am voicing it. I might only be one person saying this to you, there might be others who think the same and say nothing. There might be others that have left aready. If I am the only one saying this, then please write it off as ramblings of a mad man. All I wanted to do, is give some feedback in regards to where I am in regards to subbing on pateron.


As you can see in the schedule in the community tab and twitter, the Patreon slot is actually four times a week currently. All three non-RPG slots get two hours per week total, and the RPG slot gets four. I did the math at the time, and the new schedule only reduced "main schedule" videos by 20% per week. This is partially because I want to focus on more creative work on my new channel, and this gives me more time, and partly because I'm also artificially doing "bonus" playthroughs in the multiplayer slot with Bird, Stephanie, etc.

I did a vote a long time ago on whether we should have a monthly vote where the current playthrough can potentially be canceled, or prioritize finishing what we start, and the latter won by a large margin. I switched to "eh, we just vote whenever it's over" and people immediately had me play Morrowind, Horizon Zero Dawn, and all of the 3D Zeldas. The change seems to be an exclusively positive one. We used to get half way through Far Cry 4 and then bite our nails about whether we'll get to finish it.

Yes, sometimes support declines a bit between votes, but that's partially my own fault for not having any regular Patreon-exclusive features, which is also partly from me spreading myself a bit thin. For example, I let the Q&A die after 100 episodes so we could have the podcast that just celebrated its one year anniversary. But that dwindling support isn't anything to really worry about. I've been floating above and under the $2k mark for a very, very long time now. Just like the viewership of the channel itself, Patreon remains remarkably consistent.

However I have no intention of surrendering even more control over the channel to Patreon. What you're suggesting is basically that I either increase my video output again, or remove the indie/puzzle slot and replace it with a second Patreon slot to the point where 50% of all non-multiplayer videos are controlled by Patreon. This is basically the opposite of how one would accomplish your goal of getting through my puzzle game to-do list, as it would be two slots of just playing whatever the current hype wave surrounds.

It's also a solution to a problem that doesn't really exist. No Patreon winner is ever really going to "kill" my channel because the vote is a direct line into what the audience collectively wants to watch. Even in a longer example like Paper Mario TTYD where the views start to dwindle, the Patreon series still consistently gets more views than most puzzle or RPG playthroughs. I also get the vast majority of my views from my backlog, not my current uploads.


As far as turn-based stuff goes, (shrug). I've covered XCOM 2, Massive Chalice, Banner Saga, and Disgaea 5 in the past, but it's not a specific thing I look for. It doesn't make up much of my video library. One person just can't satisfy everyone's niche interests. Like my RPG slot is where I play through the Yakuza series, which I'm trying to do at least twice a year, but also Souls games, and then you have western RPGs, but even western action RPGs aren't enough for people sometimes and they want to know when I'll next play a cRPG, for example. Where's Pillars of Eternity 2?

People ask me when I'm going to play a puzzle game again, and I tell them I currently am, and they tell me they don't count that game as a puzzle game. It happens with Full Bore, and it has happened with several others. Everyone has different niche expectations, and it's impossible to satisfy them all. The closest we can get is the Patreon poll, but that has its own issues where it kinds of serves up the blandest, most popular option.

I understand the angst about seeing something you want covered not get covered, but there's no fix for it. There are functionally infinite games, and they only become more infinite in the time it takes for me to actually cover anything. I kept meaning to cover Death of the Outsider and now we're already four years and two sequels past it. When I commissioned my original 2013 youtube banner I included Miasmata in the atmosphere prompt and I still haven't covered it eight years later. There are just too many games, and that's a good thing? But it's also frustrating. Hell, Colonel RPG dedicates his entire channel to just one genre and he'll still never run out of material.

It's just how this whole thing works. There will always be things I wish I'd get to, and other things you wish I'd get to. And I hear you, all of you, all the time. Whenever I stream someone asks when I'm going to get to some game. Not even "if," but "when," as a demand. Sometimes I get the feeling that nothing I play is ever good enough because instead of enjoying the content people just ask when I'm going to cover something else, but I understand that it's just the inevitable outcome of this logistical impossibility.


Ironically the thing most likely to get me more Patreon support is my non-let's play work. There just isn't much of a market for growing a let's play channel, especially a "boring" niche one, which just does traditional gameplay videos. It's my work on the new channel that's more likely to experience growth in the current climate, and I like having that project to work on. Let's plays are a thing I just kind of pump out. I quite like doing them, and I don't view them as "not real work" or anything like that because I put serious hours into them, but they are by their nature more disposable content.

I really got invested in making the Annihilation video, and was really caught off guard by the waves of positive feedback I got for it. A lot of people were wondering when I was going to make content like this, and I basically said never? But here we are. It's stressful. I'm buying equipment, working on scripts, losing sleep over whether the next one will be good enough, wondering whether a silly takedown of a bad movie is a disappointing follow-up to such a serious video that a lot of people found personally meaningful, but I want to keep going.

It's been a bit since I finished a video, though. I had some extended breaks where I couldn't get much done because the AC broke during 100 degree weather, my sleep has been disrupted by local construction, and there have been a long series of technical difficulties, scripts I hate, and performance anxieties.

At the moment I'm about 10k words deep into a Beastars essay, but it's on a bit of a hiatus because I stress over discussing LGBTQ+ issues tastefully while also trying to process a two season show and 15 volumes (so far) of manga. I wanted to do a silly side project in the meantime on the Monster Hunter movie and it's horrifyingly ballooned outward to 11k words so far. But I'm committed to finishing this one for better or worse, so I'm moving forward with revising and shooting that. I've got a camera and an actual teleprompter and I'm going to try to make it work lol

I'd also love to get around to talking about Squid Game, Dr. Horrible, Star Trek, Dark Crystal, etc, but you probably know how dangerous it is to predict the future with this stuff.

Anyway, I'm going to stop here, as I've probably already let myself work on this for too long. I've got a non-essay surprise coming to the new channel anytime this weekend if I can ever get one of these edits past the copyright bots, so look forward to that.



Jesse Miller

Thank you for sharing Keith! Hope you are doing well. Take care!

Daniel A Lahey

Hey Keith, I am probably not the best gauge for these things because I am a horribly inconsistent viewer of videos. But personally I am glad that you are able to expand into more things that you find interesting and (seem to) have a lot of passion for. As far as schedule and lineup are concerned, you put out so much content that I could never watch it all even if I exclusively watched your channel. If there is not something I like right now I can go back to the several thousand unwatched videos and fine a series somewhere that scratches the itch. Either way sorry for the extra stress and the annoyances of construction and no AC, and hope things continue to go well overall!


Love your content Keith. You do you and I'll keep watching the ones that interest me. There's a minority of Let's Players keeping it real, and I'm happy to support the good ones. Cheers.

Dana Anna

As a Patreon, I don’t pay for you to put out daily videos for me. I also don’t cancel my Patreon support when you play a game I am not interested in. I support as someone who enjoys your commentary and personality. And to be honest, your multiplayer series and Let’s Try videos have some of my favorites. I almost always watch at least the first video of every series and all the Let Try’s. I didn’t watch your essay video solely because I wanted to watch the movie first. I can’t speak on if that’s content I like or want more of. But I enjoy your channel regardless of the changes because the reason I subscribed and became a Patreon was due to the fact that simply, I just like you. Of course all of this is just IMO. TLDR: I’m a happy supporter. 😁


Keith, I have been subscribed to your channel for sometime now (sadly, I've only been a patreon for little under 2yrs) and I have stuck with you for this long bc your content is enjoyable. I rewatch a lot of your videos while I work (only the ones I have seen more than once ha...) and I still enjoy the hell out of them. When you changed your schedule to lessen this channels load, I was happy for you! You gotta do you man and what you think is the best move for you. I am loving your new channel and absolutely cannot wait for your Beastars video essay whenever it comes out :). I became a Patreon bc it was something I could do to pay you back for the awesome content I have been watching for over 3yrs. So, thanks man! We appreciate you and your hard work!


Just as an aside, the comment about it being "sad" to see episodes be old (let alone use that as an argument against the ~purpose~ of the concept) is very silly and imo very nonsensical. It's something I feel probably felt like making the viewer's point to them further so they just added it without thinking about it much. I know why content creators usually try to not "date" episodes, it only causes negative reactions for no reason at all.


It's true, people have a negative gut reaction whenever they see something is older than expected, but it doesn't really have an effect on the videos. The worst thing that can happen is an ongoing misconception like the papers in the statue in Phoenix Wright. Other than that the comments already have minimal to no impact on the videos, and at worst can outright spoil things or sour my experience with complaints. People also tend to make the mistake of thinking a longer backlog in one game means a longer backlog on every game, but it usually just means I binged that particular game. Which is.. good? Right? Because it means the mechanics and story are staying fresh with me. It backfires a bit though when I end up having to come back after 2+ weeks sometimes.

Adam Snyder

On Beastars: You're more than "qualified" to speak on LGBTQ+ themes. Hope you don't worry too much. Looking forward to the essay. I'll say I like the idea of encouraging shorter Patreon games, so more supporters see their favorite games played. Just not sure how best to implement it.


Just don't vote for long ones. This is easily a self-regulating issue if people are really worried about it.


Yep, that‘s exactly what I meant. That kind of reaction is silly at best and entitled at worst.


I have been a fan since I saw the Pathologic 2 playthrough in 2019. The amount of content that you put out consistently is bizarre. You're right, it's not possible that all viewers will be 100% satisfied at the same time. But there is a democratic process in place with the Patreon voting system, and viewers will just have to be patient. Peace out and please keep doing what you're doing 🔥

Declan O'Neill

I get the impression a lot of viewers these days are used to streamers and backseat gaming. It's why I prefer let's plays myself, because the player isn't constantly being pushed around by the chat and can go at their own pace. Coming from a "no benefit" patreon though.


I regularly find that what I'm interested in watching and the general consensus of my fellow patrons doesn't coincide. That just means I dont watch paper mario or whatever. Its exciting when something i voted for gets played but that doesn't predicate whether ill keep supporting or not. Personally, I'm a fan of the current schedule. The previous schedule really felt like way too much for one person to be doing, that's what worried me. Ive found so many fun games I've enjoyed playing from your channel. I probably wouldn't have found spiritfarer without it. And seen several playthroughs of games I loved the story of but the gameplay isn't for me (ex Hades).


100% agree on your thinking that your second channel is where you can grow your Patreon. In fact, as you are charming AND analytical I think the interviewing path (esp. with indie game makers) is an untrodden niche.

Rahenna Orla

I get that people want to feel like they have more say in the new things you play, but I think of subbing here as something similar to paying for Netflix. I'm not going to unsub just because I don't like every new original show they put out, and I'm not unsubbing here because I don't like every game that wins the vote (ETA: or because we don't vote "often enough"). There's an ENORMOUS backlog of completed LPs to watch, and my dollars are a small token of thanks for that giant library of entertainment.


I have the $1 per month tier, and then just boost up to the bigger tiers whenever Keith plays a game I really like, then go back to $1 when it's done.