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It's time to vote!  The nominating supporters have generated the new list, and you now have about 48 hours to send in your votes.  Remember: you can vote for multiple games that interest you.  I've also included links to trailers so you can learn about the games you don't already know.  There is a section that explains how blind each playthrough would be for those to which that is important.

Just fill out the form here: https://forms.gle/XM1eDpDchjNMUn6AA

Thank you for your continued support!



Yoooooo can we get Starfox 64 going 👀👀 As a note in case it gets voted for: Starfox 64 has more worlds (levels) than you can reach in one playthrough and at least two ways to finish each level, determining the route you're taking through the game. Playing through the game until you reach the credits would only involve going through once, takes maybe 3 hours and lets you see less than half of the level content, so what "the full game" is often seen as is actually having played each level at least once instead of reaching the credits once (or both ways the final level can be played, one of which is framed by the game as "the true ending"). I don't think you need to force yourself to definitely, necessarily reach every single level, let alone manage to finish them in all possible ways, but doing one "normal", intuitive playthrough and one deliberate one with the goal of reaching the final level from the other direction might be sensible, which would usually be a "red line" playthrough, meaning playing through all levels of the top row. Achieving this can be hard for someone who doesn't know how it's done yet since the game isn't 100% transparent about it (the game was meant to be played over and over until you figure it out, as it released in the time between the retro games that were so hard that you had to play them forever just to get through and the more modern approach to game design), so if you plan to do this, I wouldn't condemn you for just looking up a walkthrough if you can't do it easily. My personal recommendation would be to do one mid-way, one lower-path and one red-line playthrough just to have seen all the levels since they're all unique and interesting in my opinion, but that might be more than you might find the game sufficiently fun for as well, so this is just to outline how the game and its levels work! Doing just one run is perfectly fine too - I think a good comparison would be Shadow the Hedgehog, which I'm sure you've seen at some point, where there's branching paths and just going through once is technically one "playthrough" but definitely not where the game intends you to stop even though getting to the actual _final_ story might be longer than most people could be bothered. Both games are more about the levels than individual playthroughs, I think that's the most relevant takeaway.


From what i can tell there might still be some extra stuff with NieR Replicant, because im pretty sure they said they put in some cut content that wasn't in our version. So i guess it would come down to if any of the cut content was main storyline related vs just side content thats more dull on whether or not it would change the playthrough from the original in any particular way.

Orion Alathorn

no prime 2!? I'm disappointed in the people nominating games lol, well guess I'll hope that AI wins cause that would be interesting to watch you play through


It honestly feels like we won't be picking up the Metroid Prime franchise again, unless the choices are particularly bad at some point or maybe when Prime 4 comes out. Keith's struggles with the game and people's awfully quick frustration because of their nostalgia with it weren't a healthy combo.

Orion Alathorn

in reality, in contrast to my comment above, my feelings are "if we get to it, we get to it. if we don't then we don't." it's not actually a huge deal to me. I personally really enjoyed watching him play prime, frustration and all cause that provides an interesting perspective I don't normally get when I play games like it, one with 0 nostalgia goggles. I'm broke, so I just vote with whatever ends up on the docket, and usually something interesting wins that's fun to watch, so I'm never too upset :P