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You may remember that I was getting rid of the $25 tier because I was no longer going to be offering the Let's Try Curator perk.  In response, there was mention from some people that just being separated in the credits was worth it.  Also, while people from the previous $25 tier have moved on to other tiers, many are still supporting me via the custom amount of $25 while technically in the $15 tier.

All right then, why not?  Here's your orange credits $25 tier back.  You can keep your credits color.  It's also now open to unlimited Patreon supporters because the previous 15 person limit had more to do with there being a limit on how many Let's Try requests I was fulfilling per month.

While I was at it I also added a $50 tier because, well, people are already pledging that much on their own.  So now they can get something for it, even if it's just a little recognition.  As the top tier, the color obviously had to be purple, as that's my favorite.

(Monster Hunter World: Iceborne thumbnail commission by @MrBayless)

Both of these tiers only modify how your name shows up in the credits, with no additional perks, but do also include all of the perks of the lower tiers.  They might be modified to include something new in the future, but at the moment I don't have much to work with.  I've also finally gotten around to adding those fancy tier header images to the page, in part to preview the colors.

I haven't really made any progress on the Q&A finale.  As you probably noticed from my suit acquisition and my absence from all stream for two consecutive weekends, I've been pretty busy with non-channel things and just barely keeping up with the the channel enough to keep the lights on.  It's done when it's done.  I hope you're enjoying the new podcast that has taken its place in my schedule.

(Fan submission by @aiden_lydia)

Americans, please vote.



Very cool! Used to be custom, up-leveled to a suitable tier now - thanks Keith!