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People have been asking for my thoughts on The Witcher, but I've been rather strapped for time to sit down and do a video on it.  I could see myself perhaps recording it tomorrow morning, but that's when I would normally record the Patreon Q&A.  In general I'm a bit short on time, as there's the normal video schedule, then the multiplayer sessions, then the weekly Q&A, then the new addition of a weekly D&D session.  There have also been a number of local two person recordings, which require manual audio processing in order to get to a presentable state.  The recordings themselves go just fine, but the editing process takes more time than usual.

So...yeah.  Busy.  I'm pretty happy with the kind of content I'm providing right now, but juggling it all is a bit of an undertaking.

So what if media review/podcasts replaced the Q&A from time to time, or even half of the time?  The main sticking point however would be that this kind of content really should be public, not Patreon-exclusive, not only because of the wider demand but because discussing these sorts of things in publicly available videos is one of the ways that one grows their channel.

I figure that a reasonable compromise would be to make the videos temporarily exclusive.  You all get to see them one full week earlier than everyone else, and in return I get one week off from the Q&A so that I have time to make it.  You guys get a perk, I get to point impatient people towards the Patreon, there's more content diversity, everyone kind of wins.

Giving people a new reason to join the Patreon could be helpful, too.  I've been toying with the idea of buying a decent camera and lights so that Stephanie and I can sit in reasonably-spaced chairs in front of the bookshelf instead of crammed into the narrow frame of my current webcam.  A "set," kind of.  It would be closer to the Sit and Discuss podcast setup I had with Andrew, but hopefully improved in a few key ways.  Being able to sit at a comfortable distance where we're both kind of facing the camera but also kind of facing each other makes it all a bit more natural.  Increased funding would certainly help offset some of these supply costs.

I dunno, I've got more ideas than time.  Let me know what you think.



I would prefer a podcast since there's not a lot going on in the videos anyways and it would make it easier for me to listen to them while doing other things. Also, the reason I subscribed to the patreon was being able to vote on the lets play slot. If you allowed patreon supporters have some input on what gets discussed in the podcast that would be a good perk.


Subbed to patron because I add block and personally support the things I like. Don't mind if anyone else gets free content because of it... (Really like your dynamic with Andrew)


There is already a podcast feed: https://soundcloud.com/fournerds/tracks You can probably find it on iTunes by searching my name. I've been able to find it on Podcast Addict at least. The audio versions of these episodes would probably come out on the day that the videos become public, since I don't think I can really make a private audio podcast feed and even if I can I'm not sure I want to open the can of worms of managing yet ANOTHER content feed on top of everything else. I'm iffy on the idea of people voting on this kind of thing. I feel like I should probably be discussing media that interests me? My time is already rather limited, so it makes sense for me to discuss the media that I'm consuming willingly in my free time. Having my media consumption become a thing that is mandated like homework may lessen my own enjoyment and engagement, which may worsen the podcast, while also leading to a situation where I'm basically never off the clock because even in my free time I'm watching what my audience has commanded me to.


Hmm, perhaps the patreon chosen game could be released one week early for patreon members and the Q&A either be once a month or twice a month. I think withholding the media podcast/review might be bad idea, as you want to talk about it when it releases and not a week after when everyone is moved on and found someone else who reviewed it / talked about it.


The idea of a podcast is completely fine and, like others have said, I'm mostly in it to vote on new games and to support your content. As such, the Q&As are nice, but whether they're exclusive or what content is included doesn't really matter, so much as that they're worthwhile to you. I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of other people had the same opinion (you could do a poll on that too, if that would be helpful for you).


I love the idea and i think it should not be a timed exclusive it should be out for everyone at the same time as Hymails you can do a poll to check what eveyone thinks

Posi Tron

I would love to see the Q&A evolve to a "The World according to Keith" Show. (or Keithanie) Less frequent like once a month to give you more time. ...with a split like 1/3 Q&A, 1/3 Review and 1/3 Free Speech. So you (two) have fun in the process and we enjoy the whole bandwidth of madness :) You could even make a patreon poll every once in a while, to ask/vote for subjects. Suggestions only, no commands to talk about something. I think that would be a really nice little participation :)

Raf (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-20 15:53:59 Honestly I'd much prefer this kind of thing instead of the usual Q&As.
2020-01-17 12:00:20 Honestly I'd much prefer this kind of thing instead of the usual Q&As.

Honestly I'd much prefer this kind of thing instead of the usual Q&As.


Awesome, thanks! Didn't realize there was already a podcast version. When it comes to audience participation I didn't necessarily mean that patreons would have totally free input, but like if you had 3 things you were interested already in and wanted help choosing you could throw up a poll for supporters.

Guy McPerson

On the technical side of things: You can buy some pretty cheap wide angle lenses for your webcam. Like 15 bucks for 3 (wide, wider, fish eye). In case you want to go with that one for a higher FOV, instead of buying an entirely new camera. :) That said, the idea does seem pretty neat. (Even if I am among the people who listen to these purely in audio form. At most occasionally glancing over at various topics/bits.)