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Every question so far: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jrZY9WsEvdCu_KYyF1XQJbvfixSFDlIJxenv6xGKWlc/edit?usp=sharing


Questions from Patreon Part 68 - Geology Trip Photos

You can send in questions by messaging my on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/SebastianSB/ 0fn0c0nsequence: A little backstory for this question. When my school district changed, I made a few new friends outside the ghetto I grew up in. My musical taste flourished and I can honestly enjoy most genres outside of country and the like. Thus, when my good friend at the time introduced me to a new album by a rock group he enjoyed, I was all for it and damn near liked EVERY song on the album. The album in question? Chinese Democracy. It wasn't till I graduated high school that I learned that most people HATE that album (or, is it the vocal minority?) and I've even heard you tossing shade its way...why is this? What's so bad about CD? Was I spared simply because it was the first GnR album I've listened to? Before then, my only exposure to them was that one Rock Band (or was it Guitar Hero?) commercial that featured Slash, whom I believe was no longer in the band at that point. 35:32 Patrick Reed: Say you was working at a Tourist Information centre. And someone came to you saying that they have a week in your state, and each day they would like to do something different each day. Not only would they like the busy side of the state, but the nature side. What 7 places would you recomend to visit?


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