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Questions from Patreon Part 61 - The Best Games I've Ever Let's Played

You can send in questions by messaging my on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/SebastianSB/ krmine: You've told us a lot about how your favorite games are Mass Effect 1 and the Soulsborne games. Besides the slew of Soulsborne games that came out since you started your channel, are there any games you've made a series on (blindly) or played on your own that you would add to that all-time favorites list? 56:00 krmine: Now that you've played a large majority of the 3D Zeldas (although you're still missing my favorite - Skyward Sword), what are your thoughts on the series as a whole? Did they intrigue you in regards to gameplay, level design, music, story (to a lesser extent in some of the games), etc.; were they good but not great; or did they range from average to disappointing? You can talk about BoTW and any 2D Zeldas you can think of if you'd like, but I'm mostly referring to the 3D Zeldas you played after your BoTW series.


Karl Miller

Basically people just want you to validate their favourite games BECAUSE you're a let's player and that would make their opinion feel validated. I am in no way saying that's what you should do. I used to be like that but now I have realised that isn't very interesting. Opinions are very personal things like peoples tastes in music.


I think I split this comment into two parts for ease, the second part will be more spicy since the topic can't really be discussed without risking upsetting someone. I agree with keith and karl here in that there are people out there that just want the youtuber/streamer to like their game as much as them. Since everyone have their own tastes it rarely ends up like that. It ofc also gets affected by why said person game in the first place. An example of that in how my reason affect me is "grinding" or as keith have described it several times "respecting the players time". I game as a way to relax to get away from daily tasks paired with me starting my early gaming on ps 1/ pc so my early gaming include baldurs gate, neverwinter nights final fantasy 6,7,9 as well as strategy games such as age of empires, starcraft, civ etc. Which is why I actually like the character clas system in the disgaea franchise despite the potential grindy side if you decide to deep dive into that creator ( max level is 9999 and you can rebirth chars as lvl 1 which comes with bonuses ).


For the second more spicy part then; how I disagree with western values being the "better value" in all situations. After all western corperation values is what gave us the nuclear diaster that is activision/blizzard+china. After getting samples of asian culture from a friend of mine who is a anime fantast ( I am not though ) I have come to like how asian culture despict or approach things at times. There are themes in asian story telling that I can't recall ever seeing in western ones which I find refreshing. As such over time my view on traditional western story telling and culture isn't seen as a status quo all the times anymore. Granted you can't even put america and europe ( where I live ) as a single western culture. Texas alone is the size of the brittish isles if I recall and northern and southern europe have distinctly diffrences ( and that is within the same region ). So ofc there will be regional cultural diffrences which should atleast be respected rather than "my culture is better". Because don't we all carry a bias forwards what we are used to?


No one ever says that western values are universally better, though your example is very strange. You blaming western values for Blizzard's relationship with China strangely skips over the MUCH WORSE element of that topic, which is China's relationship with Hong Kong. If you were going to pick a topic to damn western values it's odd to go with the story that completely relies on the acceptance that the eastern nation being discussed is the villain.


no it is just that going to far into commersialism and capitalism tend to leave regular workers and human rights exploited if it goes to far. The same happens when you go to far into the political situation that is the center of chinas political stage. The situation in Hong Kong and the chinese social credit system are prime examples of that. There are less stellar values encountered within displays of japanese culture as well so japan isn't getting a free pass from me either. Goblin slayer and shield hero which my anime friend showed me a bit of touch on subjects I can't recall western authors approach that often. It is a touchy subject though so any attempt to discuss it allways risks to turn sour.