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Previous episodes: https://www.patreon.com/SebastianSB/posts?tag=Q%26A 

Send in your questions as a message to me here on Patreon!

Every question so far: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jrZY9WsEvdCu_KYyF1XQJbvfixSFDlIJxenv6xGKWlc/edit?usp=sharing


Questions from Patreon Part 50 - Let's Drag a Dumb Comment

You can send in questions by messaging my on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/SebastianSB/ Sathe: If you could pick one super power to have what would it be? 14:18 0fn0c0nsequence: Keith, you're white as the driven snow, however you've mentioned that you at least unironically LIKE "Lose Yourself" by Eminem. Are there any other rap/hip-hop songs you like? I know you're flooded by an insurmountable backlog of media to consume, but have you at all looked into/heard of the AMC series, "The Terror"? Loved it from start to end and wanted to at least put it on your radar if it wasn't there already. 1:12:38 0fn0c0nsequence: I've watched your content for a long while now (been around since Salt & Sanctuary) and I've gotta say that for a Let's Player, you're pretty damn articulate despite the multitasking. Sure, you flub, and sometimes you flub hard, but you never seem too pressed to speak your mind on any subject that happens to cross it and keep us engrossed with your commentary. How do you do it? My girlfriend floats the idea at me to dabble in LPing and making my own channel, but I cannot imagine going on for hours at a time, commentating and carrying on lengthy self-discussions while remaining even slightly interesting or coherent. You've got a helluva lot of talent there and I'm damn impressed.



I know we have diffrent opinions on some subjects but some of the comments you highlighted here is ....wow. I hope you don't get to many of these on a regular basis because that would drive people insane. My experience from working customerservice have me meet these people every now and then but wow. I hope your have found a working coping mechanism to this ( I use video games or lets plays to clear my head from dayjob bullshit ). so from the bottom of my heart thank you for your content it keeps me sane at times...hence my patreon support.