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Yup, I'm playing Minecraft now.  At least for the moment.

Previous episodes: https://www.patreon.com/SebastianSB/posts?tag=Q%26A 

Send in your questions as a message to me here on Patreon!

Every question so far: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jrZY9WsEvdCu_KYyF1XQJbvfixSFDlIJxenv6xGKWlc/edit?usp=sharing


Questions from Patreon Part 48 - Minecraft, Audience Sponsored Content and Parasocial Relationships

You can send in questions by messaging my on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/SebastianSB/ 28:40 Raf: So I consider you to be my parasocial friend when it comes to gaming. I'm fairly old (35) with a stable career, my own house, a 3 y.o. kid etc, I just don't have any friends that are into video games, since it doesn't seem to be super popular among my contemporaries. And I'm OK with that, I don't really have time nor desire to make new friends at this point of my life (I'm fairly anti-social anyway). This one way relationship we have works great for me. I do enjoy very much to experience my favorite games vicariously through your eyes. It's the closest I have to playing them blind again. Similarly, I like listening to your post-credits mini-reviews, rants and opinions. I'm always interested to hear those. I particularly like it when you dismantle bad titles like your 3 hour rant on ME:Andromeda. You have already covered a lot of my all-time favorites (like SoulsBorne series, Talos Principle, The Witness, Obra Dinn, Subnautica, ) but there are a few of what I consider an absolute must-plays that you haven't played (like latest God of War or Outer Wilds) and it always saddens me whenever another ancient NES game wins the patreon poll. I just feel the medium has moved forward a lot in the last decade and modern indie/AA titles have so much more to offer than these nostalgia trips. Also, I never had NES some maybe that has something to do with it as well (I've had a PC since age 6. Prehistorik, Another World, Flashback, Prince of Persia, Doom - those were the games) So my question is this: would you ever consider allowing someone from your audience pick a game for you to give an honest go, if not play to completion, in exchange for a one-time donation? And how large of a donation would it have to be? 100$, 200$, 500$? I'd feel like a patron of the arts if I could sponsor a whole let's play series of my choice. Perhaps there are others like me?



I almost never watch the screen so play whatever you want.

Posi Tron

Yay! Thanks for giving a glimpse of your MC World/Base. i really love your MC series with bird. This brought our whole family back to firing up minecraft after some years and everything is new and exciting. I did not even know your trick how to make a path with a shovel. Man, just running around in my MC village and paving everything while you are still talking :)


Thanks for the detailed response, I admit I haven't considered half the things you talked about before, specifically how from your perspective I'm more likely to be strongly invested than a random youtube user and how sponsored series could inadvertently turn a one-way relationship into more of a 2-way thing. I wanted to clarify a couple of things. I know you said you don't accuse me specifically but I feel compelled anyway. 1. My intention was purely to make you play the game I want (dance monkey, dance), not to foster a relationship - of course that's what I would say If I were a deranged serial killer as well. 2. Despite willing to spend $$$ for a 'private' performance I wouldn't say I'm attached to the games I mentioned. I wouldn't mind if you didn't like them and would be interested to hear why. Outer Wilds specifically is the thing that's still fresh in my mind and it left a lasting impression, so I'm interested in your take on it, good or bad. I just have disposable income to throw at things I like - like the ongoing GDQ charity stream. 3. By NES I meant any Nintendo console, I didn't realize NES means specifically the one that came out in the 80s. Just like when I would talk about Playstation games, I wouldn't neccesserally mean specifically Playstation 1. Nintendo wasn't really a thing here in Poland back in my youth. 4. I'd like to think I only watch you for your methodical approach to games and your 'political' stance on things is irrelevant - but that's easy to say when I agree with you on most of that stuff. Overall it was surprisingly interesting 2 hours of video, keep up the good work!