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TRIGGER WARNING: (This story contains explicit themes including mpeg, and more explicit adult themes.)

The Abduction:

You awaken to the faint sound of hissing steam in the distance. Echoes of the surrounding presence bounce off the walls. You lay there on your back floating in between consciousness and unconsciousness. You sit there for a moment, not fully grasping what was going on and allowing your brain to fire off some thoughts. “What's happening?” your mind signals to you. “Why am I so cold?” You slowly begin to gain more consciousness and you feel the cold touch of wet stone pressed against your back. The feeling of its icy embrace against your spine sends an electric chill through your body. Goosebumps begin to form on the top of your skin. You slowly begin to open your eyes. As you do your vision is blurred and shaky. You quickly close them once more and allow yourself a moment to gain the strength to combat your negatively impacted vision. You try once again and your eyes begin to focus.

Your field of vision adjusts and you notice you're in a dimly lit corridor strapped tightly to a large ornate stone slab. Immediately you begin to panic. Your once foggy thoughts quickly shift into clear notions of panic and worry. “Somebody help!” you shout as you pull against the restraints binding you to the table “Somebody please! I can't move” To your surprise someone, or something, answered your plea. You can hear off in the distance the faint sound of movement. Although you cannot see anyone, you can hear the faint steps of a figure slowly lurching towards you. “Oh thank god, please help me! I don't know where I am and…” you cut yourself off mid sentence. You can feel something is wrong, the energy in your body shifts slightly and you begin to feel a void form in the pit of your stomach. As the footsteps approach closer you notice that whatever is approaching you isn't human. As the footsteps drew nearer a thin figure stepped its way into the dimly lit spotlight. You were right to trust your gut instinct, this thing wasn’t human, it was a xenomorph.

You flail against the cold stone slab locking you in place. Screaming and tugging against the tight restraints, but it was no use. You were bound tightly in place. The alien stared at your hopeless struggles, as you begged and pleaded to be let go. You had no idea whether or not it could actually understand you but you did know one thing, it enjoyed watching you struggle. The reflection of its silver teeth glared in the faint light of the room, it was smirking at you, deriving pleasure in watching you helplessly squirm against your restraints.

You watch as the figure approaches you on the side. It examined your naked body and you continued to flail. “Please! Somebody help me!” you scream off in the distance again. The xenomorph slowly placed its large hand over your mouth. You couldn't describe it but a calm fell over your person. You sat there as it pressed its cold slimy hand tightly against your lips. You felt your body go limp and for a brief moment you were calm. As calmness set in you began to think a little more clearly. “What does this thing want from me?” you kept asking yourself. You could only think of pop culture references of monsters and aliens you had seen on tv as a kid. “Have I been abducted? Does this thing want to dissect me, eat me?” A vast cornucopia of rancid thoughts paraded around your head.

You didn't fully understand it but it was as if the creature understood your thoughts. It stared at you once more. This time it took its large hand and extended out a finger. It slowly caressed your left cheek. You winced and slowly drew your cheek back as its cold finger sent another chill down your spine. It was almost as if the alien was signaling it had no intention of hurting you. But then what intentions did it have? Why has it chosen you? Your thoughts continued to race. You lay there on your back trying to plead with the alien. “Please let me go…. What do you want with me” you say shakily. The Alien looked down at your body, slowly turning its head to examine your dick. The alien extended its hand out once more and slowly embraced your phallic member. “Oh god” you think to yourself “im going to get fucked by an alien.”

The creature's head turns towards the ceiling and you instinctively follow his gaze. You squint your eyes and try to make out the hundreds of shapes that are plastered to the ceiling. “What is that?” you ask yourself as you examine the shapes that surround you. You didn't notice before but there were hundreds if not thousands of egg shapes covering the room. They were large and alien like in nature. You begin to wonder what the goal of having you here was, but you were soon to find out. You could hear something inside a few of the eggs rustle and spring to life. They were sloshing around in the thick warm xenomorph sap that lines each one of the ovums. The alien left your side for a moment and approached one of the eggs. As it drew closer the egg shifted and molded to life. It pulsed as the creature, or creatures inside could feel an approaching presence. You watched as the lips of the eggs slowly pulled apart. Small tendrils of viscous goo dripped down the side of the ovum. The alien lurched over the egg and reached its large hand inside. It paused for a moment leaving its hand fully submerged in the goo and you watched as a tail-like member wrapped around the aliens extended arm.

You gazed in amazement as the alien drew forth a spider-like creature, it was alive and spritely. It wriggled for a moment before finally submitting to the alien wielding it. “Oh god what is that!” Panic once again sets in. You watch as the alien turns its attention back to you, once again bearing the same smirk it flashed you earlier. You panicked as you saw the legs of the creature reach and lurch toward you, its long tentacle like tongue flaying from its body. It wanted you. The alien slowly approached your figure and with its other hand slowly made an up motion with its wrist. As it did, the stone slab you lay upon shifted upward and forward. You were now layed down more upright and at a better position for the alien to bestow this gift upon you. “Oh dear god please!” you shout out. Tears began to fill the wells of your eyes. “Someone please dear god!” you continued to cry out as the alien slowly inched the creature closer to your face. You grit your teeth as hard as you could and tried to jerk your head back as far as you could but thanks to the restraints it was no use.

You continued to force your jaw shut as much as you could, you felt the cold sting of the tears drip down your cheeks. “This can't be happening” you kept thinking to yourself. You watched in horror as the spider-like creature extended out a long tentacle from its body. The tentacle was easily 12 inches and alarmingly  thick. It squirmed and wriggled as it inched towards your lips. You could feel its slimy presence as it teased your mouth for a few moments before making its way in. Its slippery outer layer made it impossible for you to resist its embrace. As it pierced your mouth you let out one final scream. “Help me-phhhhh” you cut off mid sentence as the 12 inch tentacle slid down your throat. The alien took its time with you, slowly allowing you to gag and struggle on the large member as it made its way down your throat. You couldn't believe how deep the tentacle felt, the sweet gooey sap coated your tongue and you could feel the pulse of its heart along the inside of your throat. You could feel two smaller tentacles pierce your nose as the alien made its way into place. Its large spiny legs embraced securely around your head and the tail once bound along the alien's arm was now wrapped tightly around your throat. You let out a few more muffled moans before the alien took over. You could feel it begin to pump you with something and you could no longer move. Your body began to feel warm and numb, and although your mind was completely conscious it felt entirely detached from your body.

You spent what felt like an eternity in this state. Alone with your thoughts as the entity pumped you full of an unknown substance. To your surprise you could feel the creature's grip loosen upon your head. All at once the tail around your neck loosened and the warm feeling that once draped your body began to fade away. The creature drew back its tentacle and was peeled free from your face. You let out a few gags and coughs as it was removed from your person. You let your eyes come to focus for a minute as you watched the alien-like figure brooding over you once more. It smiled as it examined your body holding the parasite that had bound itself to you in its hand. You looked down to see your extended stomach lurch and writhe. You felt so full and so warm. “Dear god what did that thing do to me? Am I fucking pregnant?” You could feel the presence of something inside your gut, that warm feeling tickled as movement from your lower gut continued.

The alien wasn’t finished with you yet, if you were to be a mother for the hive then you had to look the part. The alien once again smirked at you before looking up towards the ceiling. Dozens of the eggs that contained the same creature that lay upon your face earlier began to open up with a viscous welcome. You watched as the thick slime that coated the ovums began to drip from each opening and spread over your body. The sensation was phenomenal, the warm sticky entity draped over your chest and shoulders. You shuddered as the goo sprung to life and began to encase you. More and more of the eggs above you opened up as you were drenched in the goo. You could feel it spread over your hand and down towards your legs. The goo around your hands began to harden into a shell forming claws that had resembled your alien warden. “They're making me into one of them.” you thought to yourself. But there was no time to panic, you were too encapsulated by the euphoric sensation of the transformation. Just then the bonds of the table let you loose, you fell onto your hands and knees. You examined more of your body as you watched your new alien-like form take shape. The sentient sludge coiled around your manhood and you felt a surge of blood rush to your abdomen. Your dick was becoming erect and the goo engulfed it completely. You wince once more as the invasive body lurched its way inside your cock filling your balls with its warm gift.

The slippery goo around your cock hardened into a cement like shell. You could feel the goo begin to connect to itself, encasing you and erasing all that you were before. The goo wriggled its way into your ears and up your nose. It pried open your mouth and flooded your throat with a sweet syrup-like taste. Electricity jolted though your body and your mind became foggy. It was flooded with thoughts of serving the hive. “Become one with the hive mind” you thought to yourself. “I wish only to serve the hive” the thoughts of your past life drifted away and were replaced only with thoughts of servitude. You could feel the goo shell harden on your body, the latches formed around your torso squeezing you so tight. The sensation of the suit's embrace was euphoric. You wanted nothing more than to stay like this. You slowly make your way onto your feet, examining the creature you have become. As you do you feel something grab your arm, it was another restraint.

You stand there for a moment before another grabs your other free arm, it pulls both your arms spreading you out and lifting you from the ground. The other alien figure that stood in the room with you approached once more. It examined you and seemed pleased with the results. Two more restraints latched on to your ankles and spread you out in an “X” shape in the middle of the room. You tried to speak but could let out alien shrieks. You could feel another presence almost as though someone was whispering over your shoulder. The voice was coming from inside you. “Worry not brother, you are to serve the hive” the voice beckoned. You looked over at the other alien admiring your new form. “You must help us share our gift with the world, we must have more of usssss” you were alarmed you could telepathically understand the alien. Before he could even give you a chance to retort he cut in once more. “Let us beginnnn”

The restraints that held your arms and legs now lifted you higher off the floor. More shrieks came from your new alien maw. You wriggled slightly as you were spread out in the middle of the open room. Just then another piece elongated from the ceiling. This time it was a large tube that slipped its way over your alien cock. Your head jolted back as it forcefully slipped its way over your penis and briskly tightened. It began to pulsate and milk you, the sensation was amazing. Another similar piece extended from the ceiling once more, this time from behind. You could feel another long presence inch its way towards your backside. You couldn't believe the sensation as a 12 inched probe pierced your tight alien hole. You could feel the probe open slightly, spreading you open from the inside. The probe sprang to life and began to pulsate back and forth. Your breathing intensified and you couldn't contain yourself. Your whole body lurched back as you cum. It was the most intense thing you've ever experienced. You watched as the tube secured tightly around your dick sucked up every last drop of you. The goo looked familiar, it resembled the sap that dripped from the ovums that had made you like this. “Very good brother” you heard the voice chime in once again. “You shall make a very good reproductive vessel for the hive.” You panted and then let your body go limp. The sensations you felt were too much. You had never experienced anything like this in your life. “Finished already brother? We are just getting started…” the voice chimed in again.

You could feel the probe lurch deeper into your ass. As it did the entities in your stomach sprang to life. You could feel them begin to inch their way out of you, The pressure intensified as you squeezed out more ovums. The feeling of  each squeeze left you weak in the knees. Your entire body shuttered as you parted with each one. You felt incredible and you never wanted the feeling to stop. “Well done brother” you hear again. You slowly lift your head and see the alien figure approaching once more holding the creature that had latched to your face earlier. “Done already brother? You are just beginning, now open wide.” The alien once again slipped the member down your throat as it fills you once more. This is your purpose, this is how you will serve the hive.”

Hey everyone! Please enjoy this story! This piece was a request piece as it isn't something I would normally do! However it was fun writing and drawing it! Anyways please enjoy and thank you for your support!


GOOGLE DRIVE LINK: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fYcFQAZz9Dow6jTGpzZYTuWrAv9YWkrX/view?usp=sharing




Yesss I love this


Thank you! its very different from what I normally do but I actually enjoyed writing the story a lot :)


This is a dream, thank you for blessing us with this amazing piece of work!