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(All Characters Depicted are 18+ years of age)

Here is the extended piece for the Beast Boy version of the venomized series! This extra set of drawings is exclusive to those of you pledging $10 or more! I hope you enjoy! I can't wait to share the story for this one! Also there will be a new poll available soon for the next person in the series! So let me know who you want to get Venomized!



A quiet day in Titans tower? That never happened… but one thing about being a hero is that it wasn’t always go go go. Garfield Logan, aka Beast Boy found these little pockets of relaxation time beneficial. That being said, Gar always wants and needs special attention. Seeing as how the tower was vacant, that made him restless and in need of some sort of affection and admiration.

Bored, and slightly horny, Gar searched through the corridors, searching for someone, anything, to pass the time. “I’m booorrrreeeeddd” Gar exclaimed. His exasperated moan echoed through the halls. “Where is everyone?” He thought to himself. Beast Boy took it upon himself to find his fellow Titans, hoping one of them, any of them, would give him some form of attention. Gar banged on the large doors of each of him team mates quarters, starting with Nightwing.

As Gar approached the door he fantasized about his past relationships with Dick. He was hoping maybe Dick would spend some of the quality time with him which he desperately craved at the moment. As he knocked on the door Gars ears perked up excitedly but no one answered. Gars eager expression quickly shifted into disappointment when no one came to answer. Just then a faint rustle came from Ravens room. Beast Boys attention quickly shifted away from the door and towards the noise. Beast Boys ears perked up once more, this time to listen in on what the rustling could be.

Gar heard movement, but no voices or breathing. Beast Boy when to investigate the mysterious noise. Gar knocked on Ravens door following with an excitable query. “Raaaavvveeeennn, are you in there? It’s me Gar!” A few moments pass but no response. Beast boy used his powers to shift once of his ears into wolf ears, pressing it gently against the door. Once against Beast Boy could hear movement but no breathing? Thats so odd.

Obviously Raven was stoic and sometimes lifeless but she still had a heart beat. Beast Boy contemplated to himself for a moment, but the thing about Gar is curiously always got the best of him. He looked down at the door handle, paused for a moment and gently placed his hand against the handle. “She’s gonna kill me for this.” He exclaimed to himself under his breath. Beast Boy slowly pushed opened the door and peered inside.

The loud slow creaking of the door pierced the silence in the room. The only light source being the light extended out from the hallway behind Gar. As the light began to fill the room Beast Boy once again heard the movement, almost as if something was trying to avoid the light slowly drifting into the room. Beast Boys ears perked up once more, this time on high alert to find the intruder.

Little did Gar know Raven was experimenting with inter-dimensional magic. This form of magic was unpredictable, and highly unstable. Since Raven was not the most experienced in this realm, it’s no surprise that some of her spells often let in some stragglers. Garfield entered the room slowly and towards the noise he heard earlier. “Helllloooo?” Gar called out into the darkness, half expecting an answer. “Is anyone in here?” Obviously there was no answer. As Garfield continued to make his way through the room the energy inside him shifted, it was uneasy.

A sudden chill fell down his spine and the green hair on the back of his neck stood up. Without even realizing an entity had latched itself onto Beast Boys foot and began making its way up his leg. It wasn’t until his entire foot was covered that Gar even noticed the extra presence. Gar felt a slight tickle on his leg and turned his attention downward. “Gyahhhh” he yelled out. This exclamation only seemed to startle whatever was on his leg. As he yelled out the slime gripped him tighter and began to spread more quickly.

In a sheer panic Beast Boy tried to kick the sludge off his leg. This just caused the goo to spread more quickly. Panicking even more now Beast Boys mind rushed with thoughts on how to free himself of the entity’s firm grip. “Why does this stuff always happen to me!” He exclaimed. Gar couldn’t explain it but he could feel that the goo was alive. Think of it like a dogs 6th sense, he could feel the presence of another life form, and this one wanted him.

The thought of it being alive only made Gar panic more. As it continued to spread he could feel the presence with him, as if it was whispering over his shoulder. “Relllaxxxxxx givvveeeee innnn” the voice said. The voice quickly shifted from feeling as though it was whispering over his should to as if it was emanating from within. Gars panic was momentarily interrupted by the goo’s speech. “Woah! I can hear you?” He asked, not expecting a response. The chilling aetherial voice cut in once more. “Give innnn Beast Boyyyy, let usss improve you.”

Garfiel felt the coils around his body tightening, spreading even faster. “Pleassseee! Let me go!” Gar pleaded with the invasive sludge. Beast Boy felt a surge of electricity jolt through his entire body, similarly to the same feeling he had when he transformed. This time however, it was more concentrated, more intense, and possessed an unfamiliar ferocity. Beast Boy let out a yelp and he felt the symbiote take control. “Gyahhhh” he cried out. Another surge of electricity coursed through his body forcing him to his knees.

“Please… please Stop!” He said struggling to keep control. “This thing is taking control of my powers! It’s causing me to transform!” He thought to himself. The surges continued to course through his body until Beast Boy could no longer control himself. He had no choice but to give in to whatever being saw fit to take control of him. Beast Boy struggled for one more brief moment before finally giving in. He couldn’t describe it but he could tell the entity surrounding his body felt proud that he finally stopped resisting.

Beast Boy began to feel his bones and muscles shift and expand. Whatever he was transforming into was something he hadn’t experienced before. The immense sense of pleasure that filled his body was intoxicating. Garfield could barely breath as he felt his muscles shift and increase. Their mass expanding as he transformed on all 4’s. The surges of electricity continued to pulse through his body, he couldn’t handle the intense sense of pleasure. He felt his cock expand and grow, the weight and girth hanging pleasantly at his lower abdomen.

Gar began to feel the intense heat of the symbiote wrapped around his transforming body, but this wasn’t enough for the intruder. The symbiote planned on taking full control of Garfield… inside and out. The goo continued to spread and he felt it begin to penetrate the tip of his cock. Garfield felt it slide down with ease and pump his balls full. The warm sensation flooded him with euphoria as he felt his balls stretch and increase with size. As the symbiote made its way inside he could feel it integrating within him. He could feel it make its way through him. The warm fullness made him insatiably horny. Gar felt the slimy tendrils crawl from within and out of his mouth.

He began to feel his tongue swell and increase in size as the goo crawled up from the back of his throat. It coated his human tongue and expanded. He gagged and choked for a minute as his human mouth wasn’t prepared for such a large beastly tongue. Beast Boys choking was interrupted as he felt the proportions of his skull shift. He felt his face begin to transform. His body mass felt incredible. The shifting weight of his large muscular form made him feel powerful. He could feel the pressure of his claws pierce the concrete in the floor as he continued to transform.

The invasiveness of the symbiote didn’t stop. Beast Boy felt large tendrils form near his butt. Without even giving him time to realize what was happening he felt them pierce him. The slippery swirling of the slimy tentacles provided a new and intense sensation. He could feel the warmth increase as they pushed deeper inside. The tendrils filled him with warm thick sludge and he could feel the weight of his stomach increase and expand. They were bonding, becoming one.

Beast Boy felt the transformation was nearing completion. The final forms of his animalistic face cracked into place and were quickly covered with the remaining symbiote. He felt his senses heighten and his alertness to the world increase. Beast Boy lifted himself off the ground and looked down to admire what the symbiote had done to him. He admired and inspected his new muscular form with his large claws. Rubbing his beastly paws against his new exterior. His body felt tight and his torso was weighed down by his new massive cock attached to his hips. Gar who normally was around 5’8 in human form was now standing and almost 12 feet tall. He felt strong, powerful, and wanted to embrace the beast. The once silent halls of Titan Tower were pierced by Beasts animalistic shriek. Time to see what this new form could do!


Artists Referenced for this piece for poses (with permission)

@Sparks_99 on FA

(Reminder that members of the $10, $15, or $25 tier get an EXTRA set of exclusive images for the entire run of this series!)




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