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Zero Two and Ichigo began the climb up the seemingly endless flight of stairs leading to one of the Plantation 19 observation decks. It had been over 6 months since Ichigo had put her devious plan into motion, and the effects of her plan were hard to miss.

Zero Two's once-slender figure had undergone a drastic transformation, with her body now carrying an additional weight of over 100 pounds. She had gone from a slim and petite girl to a morbidly obese hog with no self control. Her most noticeable feature was her round, protruding gut, which jutted out prominently from her midsection. The soft expanse of her belly had become a focal point of her figure, the skin stretched over the extra weight, creating a noticeable bulge that strained against her clothes. The once-flat plane of her stomach was now a gently sloping curve, emphasizing the extent of her weight gain.

Her thighs, once defined and lean, had thickened considerably. The weight gain had caused them to rub together when she walked, the friction a constant reminder of her expanded size. Her once-tight leggings now clung tightly to her voluptuous thighs, the fabric stretching to accommodate the added mass. The transformation of her legs from slender to thick was impossible to miss, a testament to her significant weight gain.

Zero Two's hips had widened substantially, giving her figure a more curvaceous and voluptuous silhouette. The once-narrow gap between her thighs had disappeared, replaced by the soft expanse of her expanding hips. The width of her hips accentuated her newfound curves, adding to the overall roundness of her frame.

Her face, too, had undergone significant changes. The emergence of a double chin, which appeared more like a triple chin from certain angles, highlighted her facial transformation. Her jawline, once sharp and defined, was now obscured by the layers of soft flesh that had accumulated beneath her chin. The fullness in her cheeks and the softness around her jaw added to the overall roundness of her face, erasing the sharp edges that had once defined her features.

In addition to these prominent changes, her arms had become noticeably fuller, losing their previous tone and becoming soft and plump. The excess weight had also affected her breasts, causing them to swell considerably, their fullness straining against her clothes. The once-delicate hands and fingers were now more substantial, bearing the signs of her significant weight gain.

As they ascended, the stairs seemed to stretch on and on, and Zero Two's breathing grew heavy and labored. She complained between breaths, "Ichigo, are these stairs ever going to end? I feel like I'm climbing a mountain. And I'm so hungry right now, it's ridiculous!"

It was evident that the physical effort was taking a toll on Zero Two. With each heavy step, her breath grew heavier, and the climb began to challenge her endurance. As she struggled upward, her thighs, carrying the weight of her figure, rubbed together, adding to the physical exertion. The sweat on her forehead glistened, and her rosy cheeks were flushed with effort.

Ichigo, keeping a steady pace, offered a reassuring smile. "We're almost there, Zero Two. Just a little more, and we'll reach the top. The view is worth it, I promise."

Zero Two grumbled but continued to follow Ichigo's lead. Her complaints about the height and her hunger were frequent, but she pressed on. Finally, they arrived at the observation deck, and the breathtaking view of the controlled, orderly world inside Plantation 19 unfolded before them.

Ichigo looked in awe at the view, while Zero Two struggled to catch her breath. The vast expanse of the Plantation interior, the orderly streets, and the harmonious existence of the residents all contrasted sharply with the chaotic, dangerous world outside. The observation deck was a place where they could enjoy a moment of serenity, and as they took in the view together, Ichigo couldn't help but appreciate the unique bond they had formed, despite the complicated circumstances.

At the top of the observation deck, Zero Two and Ichigo settled down, looking out over the cityscape. The calm, controlled world of Plantation 19 stretched out before them, a stark contrast to the chaotic outside. Ichigo reached into her bag and pulled out a large box of cookies, handing it over to Zero Two.

Zero Two's eyes lit up with delight as she eagerly accepted the box of cookies. Without hesitation, she opened it and began munching on a cookie.

Ichigo smiled but then took a deep breath, her expression becoming more serious. "I didn't just bring you up here for the view," she began. "I wanted to talk to you about something important."

As Ichigo was about to broach the sensitive subject, Zero Two surprised her by speaking first. "You wanted to talk about how you've been trying to make me gain weight on purpose, didn't you?" Zero Two said, her eyes locking onto Ichigo's, taking another bite of her cookie.

Ichigo was taken aback, her surprise evident on her face. "You... you already knew?"

Zero Two nodded, her expression calm. "It wasn't hard to figure out, Ichigo. I've seen your efforts, the extra treats, the larger portions. I'm not oblivious to the changes in my body."

Ichigo, still taken aback by Zero Two's revelation, asked with a mixture of surprise and confusion, "If you knew, why didn't you say anything? Why didn't you confront me about it?"

Zero Two chuckled softly, her eyes filled with a playful glint. "Ichigo, obviously, I wouldn't say anything. I mean, who doesn't like free sweet treats?" she teased, a mischievous grin playing on her lips. "And besides, I kind of enjoyed our little snacking sessions. If gaining a bit of weight for some delicious cookies and your company is the deal, then count me in."

Ichigo, genuinely apologetic, said, "Zero Two, I'm sorry for trying to manipulate things. I should have been more upfront with you."

Zero Two waved her hand dismissively, a mischievous glint in her  eye. "No hard feelings, Ichigo," she said with a playful wink. "As long  as I get another batch of these delicious cookies, we're good."


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