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Her once-toned abs had softened, giving way to a soft belly that spilled over her waistband. Her thighs had plumped up, rubbing together as she walked with her crutches, causing discomfort with each step. Even her breasts had increased in size a little, beginning to strain against the fabric of her tops. Despite the evidence of her gain, Rachel remained largely unaware of the changes happening to her body. She seemed willingly ignorant, her subconscious preventing her from noticing any change.

Rachel’s eating habits had taken a turn for the worse. Rachel's increased appetite seemed insatiable, and she found solace in indulgent meals delivered straight to her door. Her Uber Eats orders had grown in size, reflecting her desire to fill the emptiness she felt inside. Greasy burgers, deep-fried treats, and calorie-laden desserts had become her daily companions, providing temporary comfort in the midst of her sedentary existence. When she ate, she was happy, and could forget her troubles.

Rachel’s once-baggy pajamas now clung to her new curves. The elastic waistband dug into her soft midsection, leaving marks as a constant reminder of her expanding waistline. Rachel would often absentmindedly pull the pants down below her pooch after a large meal. The oversized tops she once lounged in now hugged her larger frame, highlighting the changes, yet she remained none the wiser.

While Rachel had grown accustomed to navigating her daily life with the aid of crutches, she had also managed to adapt her cooking skills to her current circumstances. However, her limited options in the kitchen only led to the creation of unhealthy snacks. She would whip up sugary pop tarts, or indulge in peanut butter and jelly sandwiches that satisfied her sweet cravings but added to her growing waistline. She had also learned about the grocery delivery feature on UberEats, and had been getting deliveries from 7/11. Unfortunately, they didn’t have many health options, but Rachel was more than content to stock up on potato chips, chocolate and sugary drinks instead.

Snacks had become a constant companion throughout the day, offering both comfort and distraction. Rachel would mindlessly munch on high-calorie treats while binge-watching her favorite TV shows. She was rarely without a bag of sugar loaded treats within arms reach.

The reflection in the mirror often triggered conflicting emotions within Rachel. As she caught glimpses of herself, her gaze would pull away, and she would return hurriedly to the couch. It was almost instinctual to avoid her reflection.

Rachel thought very little of her old lifestyle, outside of wondering what the latest gym drama is, or which client would be causing trouble this week. She had kept in touch with Sarah, however Sarah could only make time for phone calls, being too busy after taking on most of Rachel’s clients.

That was until today. It was a long weekend, and the gym would be closed the whole time, finally giving Sarah some time to herself, and Sarah figured now would be a good time to catch up with her friend, face to face.

She had no idea what to expect, but she couldn't shake the nagging feeling that something had drastically changed. As Sarah entered Rachel's apartment, she was greeted by a sight that shocked her to her core.

There, sprawled on the couch, surrounded by a mountain of fast-food wrappers and empty Uber Eats bags, was Rachel. The once-fit and energetic girl Sarah knew was barely recognizable. Rachel's figure had undergone a significant transformation, her soft belly now hanging over her waistband, her thighs plump. Even her breasts had grown noticeably in size. Her potbelly hung out of the bottom of her pajamas, and the waistband was noticeably diggint into her soft pooch. The mountain of wrappers on the floor was monolithic.

Sarah's shock was almost palpable, but she quickly swallowed her surprise, not wanting to upset her friend further. She plastered on a smile and asked, "Hey, Rachel, how are you doing?"

Rachel looked up from her position on the couch, her eyes momentarily widening at the sight of Sarah. However, she quickly composed herself and replied nonchalantly, "Oh, hey, Sarah. I'm alright, just taking it easy. How about you?"

Sarah's mind raced as she observed the changes in Rachel's appearance. She couldn't help but feel a mix of concern, shock, and sadness for her friend. The once vibrant and confident Rachel had seemingly lost herself in these past months.

As they sat down and began chatting, Sarah found it hard to ignore the elephant in the room. The temptation to mention Rachel's physical transformation gnawed at her, but she resisted, knowing that her friend needed support more than judgment.

Their conversation shifted to their usual gossip about work. Sarah filled Rachel in on the latest gym drama, the coworker clashes, and the incessant complaints from Karen. They laughed and vented, finding solace in each other's company as they temporarily escaped their own troubles. Rachel munched greedily on her bag of chips throughout the entire conversation, even opening a second at one point.

But as Sarah glanced at Rachel, she couldn't help but wonder how her friend had reached this point. The unhealthy lifestyle and the weight gain were obvious signs of Rachel's struggle. Sarah questioned if Rachel had even realized the toll her choices had taken on her body and her overall well-being.

She hesitated for a moment, then mustered up the courage to ask, "Rachel, I noticed... have you gained weight?"

Rachel glanced at Sarah, seemingly oblivious to the impact her changed figure had on others. She let out a light chuckle and shrugged her shoulders. "Yeah, I guess I've put on a few pounds. It's nothing to worry about, though. I'll lose it once I can hit the gym again."

Sarah's heart sank as she realized Rachel's lack of awareness about the extent of her weight gain. She wanted to say more, to express her concern about the unhealthy habits she had observed, but she decided to tread lightly, not wanting to upset her friend.

"That's true," Sarah replied, attempting to keep her voice light. "You've always been disciplined with your workouts. I'm sure once you're back on your feet, you'll bounce back in no time."

Rachel nodded, a faint smile playing on her lips. She seemed content with her response, unaware of the toll her sedentary lifestyle and unhealthy eating habits had taken on her body. Sarah found herself torn between wanting to be honest with her friend and wanting to protect her from any potential harm.

Their conversation continued, but Sarah couldn't shake off the lingering worry in her mind. As she observed Rachel's comfort in her new body, Sarah realized that her friend's perception of herself was far different from the reality.

Eventually, it was time for Sarah to leave. She gave Rachel a tight hug, holding back the words she longed to say. Sarah hoped that her concern and love were palpable in that embrace.

After the encounter with her friend, Rachel found her mind wondering back to what Sarah had said. She lingered on the concerned look in her eyes. Before she could dwell to long however, the crying for a peanut butter sandwich struck her. She slowly got up from the couch, feeling the weight of her new figure as she leaned on her crutches.

Limping towards the kitchen, Rachel caught a glimpse of herself in the hallway mirror. She continued on towards the kitchen, but stopped. Something compelled her to turn around and face her reflection head-on. When she did, the reality of her transformation hit her with full force. She stood there, staring at her reflection, her eyes slowly scanning her once-toned body that now bore the signs of neglect.

Her soft belly protruded over her waistband, and her thighs had grown thick. She had sported a small, but noticeable double chin. Rachel's soft cheeks flushed with a mix of embarrassment and realization. She had subconsciously ignored the changes, thinking they were minor and temporary. But now, standing in front of the mirror, she couldn't deny the truth any longer.

She reached down with one hand, prodding her belly, as if to confirm it was real. Her finger sunk in. She reached down again, grabbing a handful of flab, lifting it and letting go. Rachel watched in awe as it jiggled. She didn’t even recognise herself.

With a pang of anxiety, Rachel hobbled her way to the bathroom, crutches supporting her with each step. She glanced at the scale in the corner of the room. achel took a deep breath, trying to steady her nerves as she positioned herself on the scale. Her heart raced as she awaited the digital readout.

As the numbers flashed on the screen, Rachel's eyes widened in disbelief. The weight she saw exceeded her worst fears, confirming the extent of her physical transformation. It was a wake-up call that resonated deep within her.

141 pounds.

She had gained 33 pounds.

A whirlwind of emotions engulfed her—shock, disappointment, and a renewed determination. The reality of her situation settled heavily upon her.

Her thoughts turned to Sarah's visit earlier in the day, the concern in her friend's eyes, and the unspoken words that hung heavy in the air. Sarah had been right all along, and Rachel's stubborn denial had shielded her from facing the reality of her unhealthy habits.

A wave of conflicting emotions washed over Rachel. On one hand, she felt a surge of self-criticism and disappointment in herself for letting things spiral out of control. On the other hand, there was a glimmer of hope, a realization that perhaps it was time to make a change and reclaim the fit and confident version of herself.

She took a deep breath, trying to steady her racing thoughts. The journey ahead seemed daunting, but Rachel knew deep down that she couldn't ignore her well-being any longer. She craved the feeling of self-assurance that had once defined her.

She would start tomorrow, she decided, before continuing on to the kitchen to make that sandwich. And grab a bag of chips…


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