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Part 2 and 3 will be available as apart of the WG Story tier

Day one:

It was a warm summer day when Rizu, our Japanese exchange student, arrived at my family's home. My overachieving sister had just left for her six-month stay in Japan studying at the Tokyo University of Technology, while Rizu would be attending MIT for the duration of her stay.

Rizu and I hit it off almost immediately. Her English is almost perfect, and we get along straight away. I ask her what she is most excited to see in America, and she tells me she is eager to try our food, as she has heard lots of good things about American food culture. She explains to me that her parents are very strict about her diet, always adamant that she maintains a slim figure, and she had only ever had fast food back home once, when she had KFC at a friend's birthday celebration when she was very young. We talk for a while about some of the different fast food chains in America, and I notice a sparkle in Rizu's eyes as I describe to her the many options we have available.

Once Rizu had settled in, I decided to take her on a tour of the city, including all of the best fast food places of course. "First stop, McDonald's!" I announce, as we approach the restaurant.

Rizu is amazed by the size of the menu. She studies the menu for a few minutes, taking in all the different burger options and the various sauces.

"What's a Big Mac?" Rizu asks.

"It's their signature burger, you have to try it!" I say.

Our food arrives, and Rizu grabs her burger and instantly takes a huge bite. Her eyes widen as she savors the juicy meat, tangy special sauce, and the crisp lettuce. She has never tasted anything like it before, and she is completely taken aback by how delicious it is. She eagerly finishes the rest of the burger, licking her fingers clean.

Next, we head to KFC, where Rizu tries the famous fried chicken. The scent of the crispy chicken makes her mouth water, and she can barely contain her excitement as she bites into the chicken. The crunch of the breading gives way to a juicy, tender chicken inside, and Rizu can't help but moan in delight. She savors each bite of the chicken, dipping it into the tangy BBQ sauce and licking her fingers afterwards.

Finally, we end the day at Wendy's where she tries the classic cheeseburger and frosty. "This is the best dessert I've ever had!" Rizu exclaims after taking a sip of the frosty. "And the cheeseburger is so juicy, I can't believe it!"

At the end of the day, Rizu is completely stuffed, but she is still smiling and can't stop complimenting how good and cheap American food is. "Can we go to more of these places tomorrow?" she asks.

"Of course," I reply with a grin. "There's so much more to try!"

Day two:

Rizu was eager to continue her fast food adventure and try even more new things. In the morning, we head to Starbucks for breakfast, and Rizu is ecstatic to see so many options on the menu. After browsing for a few minutes, she settles on a classic breakfast sandwich with egg, cheese, and bacon, a large iced caramel macchiato with extra whipped cream and caramel, and a blueberry muffin that is almost the size of her head.

As she takes her first sip of her drink, her eyes widen, and she lets out a sigh of delight. "This is so sweet and delicious," she says. "I've never had anything like this before." She slurps down the rest of the sugary concoction, stopping only to shove a bit of food into her mouth.

After finishing her breakfast, Rizu and I explore a bit. I show her around the campus, making sure to point out all the food available nearby, and before long she is hungry again.

After some exploring, we make our way to Burger King. At first, Rizu is clearly struggling to decide, but I can still see the excitement and anticipation in her eyes. After much contemplation, she finally decides to get both the Whopper, a massive burger with beef, tomatoes, lettuce, onions, pickles, ketchup, and mayonnaise as well as a side of cheesy bacon loaded fries.

As she takes her first bite, her eyes light up, and a smile spreads across her face. "This is so big and juicy," she says. "I can see why this is one of your favorite places." She can barely fit the burger in her mouth, but that doesn't stop her from finishing the whole thing, and the entirety of her fries. At the end of her meal, I notice her jeans are looking more snug against her stomach, and she is more sluggish than usual. We decide to head home, and sleep off the food we have just eaten.

That night, we stay in for dinner, and Mom makes a creamy chicken carbonara. It becomes clear that Rizu doesn't just love restaurant food, as she helps herself to two large servings, and finishes every bite.

Finally, for dessert, I take her out to the local Dairy Queen. As we walk in, the smell of fresh ice cream fills the air, and Rizu's eyes widen with excitement. After browsing the menu for a few minutes, she decides on a Blizzard, a creamy treat filled with pieces of candy and cookies.

As she takes her first spoonful, she lets out a moan of pleasure. "This is amazing," she says. "I never knew ice cream could taste this good." She inhales her frozen treat, finishing before I've had even a quarter of mine. I decide to feign being full, and tell her I have overestimated my stomach, and offer her mine. She is reluctant at first, but eventually accepts my offer and sucks it down similar to the first one.

As we head home, Rizu can't stop talking about all the delicious food she has tried. "I never knew food could taste this good," she says, resting a hand on her distended stomach. "And the portions are so big! I can't wait to see what we try tomorrow."

Day eight:

After our initial weekend of indulgence, Rizu and I had to forgo our meal trips, as we both were busy in our everyday lives. After a few days, we finally manage to find a day we were both free to hang out again, and decide to take advantage of the opportunity. It's clear that despite not eating out together, Rizu hasn't missed any meals as she has developed a small but noticeable pooch since her arrival. She requests McDonald's for breakfast, so we start our day there. She orders two Big Macs, hash browns, and a large orange juice. I notice how much her appetite has changed from when she arrived, when she struggled to finish a single Big Mac. "These Big Macs are just too good," she says, taking a big bite. "I could eat them every day."

Next, we decide to go to the zoo. During the day, we walk around looking at the animals and discussing our favorite exhibits. Around lunchtime, Rizu orders two footlong hot dogs with bacon, onion, mustard, and ketchup as well as large fries from a food stand. "These hot dogs are huge," she says, taking a big bite. About halfway through the second hot dog, I notice her slow down significantly, clearly struggling with the amount of food she is eating. Slowly but surely, she works her way through the last 6 inches, deflating back into her chair after swallowing the last bite. I help her finish the last of her chips, and we go back to exploring, though at a much slower pace while Rizu struggles to keep up.

For dinner, we go to a local pizza place. Rizu orders a large pepperoni pizza, some wings, and garlic bread. During dinner, she discreetly unbuttons her jeans, but I notice. Rizu works her way through her meal with ease, looking satisfied and content after finishing everything. That is, until I show her the dessert menu. Her eyes light up, and she is overtaken by her greed, and orders a chocolate fudge sundae. It isn’t until her dessert arrives, and she sees the size of it, she considers what she has done. As she works her way through her dessert, it's clear that she is quite full but driven to keep eating by the delicious flavor. Finally, she finishes her treat and discreetly lets out a burp.

As I get up to leave, I notice her looking strained and struggling with her jeans. "Are you okay?" I ask, knowing fully well what the problem is.

She hesitates for a moment but then admits, "I can't seem to get my jeans buttoned up." I can sense a mix of frustration and embarrassment building up inside her as she tries to suck in her stomach and fasten the button at the same time.

Without a second thought, I offer to help her out. She hesitates at first but then agrees, and I proceed to assist her with buttoning up her jeans. I can feel her discomfort as we work together to close the button, and after a few seconds of struggling, we finally manage to get it done.

"Thank you so much for your help," Rizu says, smiling. "These American foods are just too tempting and delicious. I can't help but keep eating." And almost on cue, she lets out a loud burp, and her face turns pink.

I laugh, "Don't worry about it. We all have those moments where our clothes just don't fit the way we want them to.” I say, patting my own bloated stomach.

That seems to cheer her up, and we head back home.



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