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Nexus just banned me..
I assume due to the lewdified body i was using
which i converted from DoAXVV...
.... Siiiigh....
i had no clue ports where a big nono...
almost all elden ring mods are ports
So.. wtf...
it might of barely been a few dollars
But without Points rewards..
i will not be earning anything at all..
And mainly..
my mod website hasnt been popular for years now..
so why make mods that nobody will ever see..
i just basically lost thee ONLY fkin community i have in my life..
I might be forced to become one of those fkin immoral paywaller... huh!?
since somehow..
it seems paid.. exclusivity brings more people..
then free content.. for some fkin reason
otherwise ..
i have just wasted 15+ years of my life making mods..
i guess.. i could leave stuff like
Mimified Series Free
And put Lewdified behind low tier
But Allow All of them to be picked up at once with single payment
and then...
That scummy Monthly Reward Pick Tier..
With Higher Quality Ports
Or Ko-fi..
and i was already almost done with my first Port Series
Scathach Assassin Bikini

But doing that..
will render my website useless...
Even though...
Nobody from my website ever considers supporting
Since there isn't anybody..

Paywalling is Just..


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