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Tang Wei

Honorable Tang Wei the pocket dimension you created for yourself while you recovered is something we in the Celestial Empire called a Danger Zone. Over the years there have been hundreds if not thousands of similar pocket dimensions that have appeared scattered across all of the Celestial Empire. Were you also responsible for creating these dimensions as well? And if so what purpose did they serve?

“What you call ‘Danger Zones’ are merely spatial rifts leading to parts of shattered worlds. They occur naturally, and I merely imitated one.”

Honorable Tang Wei my current goal in life is to restore my family the Wu Clan to greatness. Is it possible for me to teach my future family members the proper path of cultivation as you were taught even if they don’t possess the body of a martial sovereign and could we then alter the state of this world and change it into one that they can remain in even past the stage of a nascent soul?

“Cultivation is boundless, but a soul is bound by its limits. Nothing is impossible, but every possibility is relative. To turn this world into a place suitable for real cultivation, you would need power the current you can’t even comprehend.”

So, Tang Wei, just out of curiosity tell me. How do you, a god from a world far away and far more advanced than this one, rate my bodily talent?

Tang Wei, however, just shakes his head.

“Bodily talent doesn’t matter. Flesh means nothing to a cultivator: it can be created, shaped and structured at will. Unless you have a special physique, which are much more complex, a bodily talent like yours can be achieved with a single pill. And with another pill, it can be exceeded by a hundredfold.”

Despite what worth I may have in your eyes, I thank you for the gift of power. Is there anything you’d like me to do for you as a thank you to repay this debt? If not yourself, then for your lost love or someone else.

“I have already expressed my wishes to you. Live your own life and make sure not to have regrets,” he chuckles sadly, “Unless you will be able to uproot the Heavens, descend into the underworld and return my wife back to the land of the living, don’t bother yourself with repaying this favor.”

Although I don’t find the things you’ve done morally right, I hope with every fiber in my being that you may reunite with your lost love and someday make it up to the innocents you’ve harmed. Of course, with the exception of those who’ve committed evil. Do you think I can get to the heavens and fight to protect mortals? How many are there stronger than me? How did you protect yourself from being deceived?

“Protect the mortals? A fool’s errand. They are supposed to die, that’s why it’s easy for them to reproduce. It is the heavenly design, why waste your life on fighting the universe for something so meaningless? Lives are not equal and they are not supposed to be. As to how to survive in the cultivation world, I only have one advise: rely only on yourself.”

There's something in your story that doesn't match. You've said so yourself that my existence is purely by chance, that I was not made to be your perfect exact copy. Then explain to me how there is an old prophecy dictating that if someone has 100% BP, then they wil be the next Invincible? If you said that your plan was to possess one of us and then consume all of Poma, who created this prophecy? Were you aware of it?

At the mention of the prophecy, Tang Wei brows furrow. It’s the first time you’ve seen any kind of perplexity in his all-knowing expression, but it doesn’t last long. He soon throws his head back and laughs out loud.

“Damnable Heavens,” he curses, half-amused, half-enraged, before he turns to you again, “It seems that no matter how strong you think you get, in the end you always end up a pawn – it’s just that the chessboard grows bigger and bigger. Now I’m really curious what your true destiny is.”

Lord Wei I have a question for you. I was offered a position as an inner disciple under the Warlord Yang Bohai, which I rejected with the intention of seeking out Sect. Elder Aiguo or perhaps Elder Shouzi, as I figured Bohai's askings wouldn't leave me with the best reputation, leaving it harder to restore that of my clan's, but now that I essentially have to commit genocide to reach my peak, it seems that I'll have to sacrifice my image anyway. Which is what makes me backtrack on my original thought. Should I train under Bohai? If not, who do you think is the best option? Ma Rin? The Monkey God, as if I could get an audience with him, or the two replacements I already had in mine.

“None of those names is familiar to me. There is only a handful of people worth taking notice of in this world, and none of those ‘masters’ are included on the list.”

Pan Bo (Mo Long)

Pan Bo it has been nearly 3 years since we last spoke and I informed you of the scheme that your lovers family the He Clan involved you in to accomplish her death. What have you been doing since then? How strong have you grown and what are your current plans/goals?

The man before you now looks even worse than he did three years ago: he has grown thinner, his face gaunter and hollow. His entire body seems to twitch as he stands, as if his own limbs refused to listen to the commands of being still.

“I have been killing them. Killing them all,” Pan Bo answers, with the look of pure madness in his crimson eyes.

Yang Chen

I had thought you couldn’t be deceived, how is it that you’ve taken Lei Xiwen who’s a filthy rogue hailing from the Song clan as your disciple, has he truly deceived you, perhaps you are not as smart as they say or is it that you’ve turned traitor and decided to betray the Celestial empire?

Yang Chen, sitting cross-legged in a room full of smoke from a burning incense, ruefully strokes his beard.

“So young, yet so full of anger,” he picks up a cup of tea and sips it, “You wish to speak with me about politics? You are not qualified. Go study for a hundred years and ask me again then.”

Long Chen

Brother Chen After you told me you were looking for a better alternative to the He Clan, I was going to offer you the opportunity to join the Wu, but seeing you've been smuggled by Ruo, I'm guessing it'll be harder to swindle you my way. So to put it simply, what must I offer you so that you'll join us? Or is that favor enough?

“I thank you for your offer, but I’ve already made my decision and I’m not the kind of man that betrays his word. And, to be frank… I wouldn’t join the Wu anyway. You may be a Major Clan by law, but on practice your family is nothing but a dying remnant of the past. No offense.”


Ai you have what some people (not me I love you) might consider a...bit of a unhinged and simple-minded goal. I'm all for watching little on So kill overpowered nobles however, what's your plan for when all those mortals you uplifted begin acting just like the nobels you hate.

“Goals must always be accomplished one by one. Right now, the most important thing is to end the mindless tyranny – everything else comes later.”

Wu Chao

Chao you senile drunkard and filthy whore!! How dare you hide my mother’s identity from me!? How dare you not carry out your duty and kill that filthy rouge when she washed up on the shores of our clan!!??

Your father doesn’t get angry. He doesn’t yell, nor does he beat you. No, he just summons a bottle of wine and gulps the entirety of it down his throat.

“You know nothing,” Wu Chao says when he finishes, “Just an ignorant child that I have failed to educate on when to keep their mouth shut.”



Kudos to whoever asked the prophecy question. Brilliant insight!