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Yang Bohai

Esteemed elder, what is your opinion of the Savage West? They are not incredibly far from the Yang homeland so you must have had some encounters, no?

“Some degrade them as barbarians. Underestimate them by thinking them a lower rank of folks,” Yang Bohai snorts, “Ignorant idiots. Their land maybe barren, their resources scarce, but desperate circumstances produce men ruthless to both others and themselves.”

Yang Bohai then sighs, looking somewhere in the distance.

“Before I basked in the heavenly grace and became a Shangtian, I dared to act arrogant there once,” he chuckles, leans forward and points to a large scar on the back of his head, “I took my revenge, of course. I killed their strongest Ferals, wiped out their champions in batches – but the fact that this ‘Savage West’ still exists, without a Shangtian to protect them, should tell you all you need to know. Unless you're dumb, but my words won't help you then.”

Wu Chao

For so long, Tang clan was made unimaginably wealthy by a single Zone. Sadly, Wu clan has had no such fortune or else we might not be in such a dire state today. Tell me, Father, what's the greatest reward you've gotten from a Danger Zone?

Wu Chao chuckles, a dazzling grin spreading across his handsome face. Suddenly, you feel warmth – warmth that quickly turns to unbearable hotness.

“Little one, how do you think I developed my own technique as a Houtian?” he says, “I may be talented, but I’m not that talented.”

Tang Ruo

Imagine for a moment, that after beating you in a final battle and proving themselves every bit your equal...an heir to one of the great clans wanted to marry you. What would you make of such a proposal? Even while knowing that this heir still intends to rule their clan and maintain it's independence as a great clan?

“My spouse would naturally be the ruler of the Celestial Empire, with all the power that comes with such position. But a clan gaining independence?” Tang Ruo snorts, “I will not be an Emperor that would allow such a blasphemy to happen.”

Has anyone in your family including ancestors ever created a martial art without using the first emperors arts as a reference?

Suddenly, Tang Ruo lets out the most arrogant, the most prideful, the most cocky smile you have ever seen plastered on his face, before he points towards his chest.


Mei Mei

Sorry for bringing this up again, but could I ask you when exactly did Long Chen ask for your hand in marriage?

“Oh.. I knew of his lust for me for a long time. He has never hid it. But this outrageous demand,” she spits, putting all of the disgust she feels into the dribble, “He made after gaining insight into his Aura, becoming half-a-step Xiantian. When he knew, I had no power to reject him – when he knew that Father would be unwilling to let such a talent go.”

Can you create poisons that take advantage of regeneration rather than fight it? That one was ingenious but I could've beaten it since I can regenerate faster than it can damage me. Something that uses a healing factor to grow and spread however... :)

Mei Mei squints her eyes, a look that’s both curious and cunning flashes in her gaze.

“A regenerative physique? So that what it was..” she mutters, before shaking her head and giving you an innocent smile, “Senior Brother, I do not brew poisons – my skills lie in curing them instead.”

Long Chen

Brother Chen, before the expedition starts, could I ask you when did that He snake ask for your hand in marriage?

“A few years ago, when both of us were mere Inner Disciples,” Long Chen says, his tone a part regretful, part full of fury, “It was a transaction, of sorts. She asked me to keep it quiet back then, wait for my ascension… If I knew that she was such a poisonous bitch, I would’ve twisted her skinny little neck instead of agreeing to this farce.”


Why haven’t you challenged anyone in the arena yet? I remember you mentioned that was one of your reasons for coming here. With your skills you could easily become an inner disciple by moving up in the rankings.

“The Tigress long ago became an Inner Disciple. She’s does not stay at the bottom – she rises and conquers instead.” The Tigress replies, “As for the Arena… My Master does not let me fight. Says that such pointless battles, ones without the threat of death, would dull my senses. Hamper my instinct to kill.”

She grins.

“I agree.”


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