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This weekend I've added a new event with a couple of new characters to the game, redone the previous characters too. Now they fit better, have more details and are more consistent.

Although I've started this game as a writing exercise, I've spend 80 percent of the time editing images and only 20 percent writing and code. Hopefully it gets easier as more characters are finished and we start running into the same people in the missions.

You can play the game online: https://kia.itch.io/ghost-town-settlers
But the best experience will be in PC, and as promised, here's the games source code: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/u82x7bemcaozlcu7e5vty/Ghost-Town-Settlers.zip?rlkey=6f9e860k1xoh0u47obpg35htx&dl=0



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