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This weekend I've finished the space shooter minigame with explosions, more enemies, bigger fighting area and your choose of fighters. Under the hood I've cleaned the code and got rid of some hacky code that was causing tons of errors.

I've also added more of the game that these pixel art set was made for, let's see if I ever get to make it the way I've imagined.

The code is in the attachments


Top down shoomup for renpy

I've drawn this pixel-art set for a game I like to make someday, but since it might be a long time before I can realize that dream, I've made a minigame of it in renpy to showcase a small subset of it in action. Like always the code to this minigame will remain exclusive to my patreon supporters for a while before I release it on my github: https://www.patreon.com/posts/73087818


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