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The NVL mode phone theme is fully functional now, I've added as much comment to the example to cover everything that you want to and can do with it.

There are improvements that I want to add on top later on, but let's see what you want me to work on then decide.

If there's something you want to be added, or something else you want me to work on, leave a comment.

zip file in the attachments:


경일 목

The message simulation you uploaded was fun to play. I tried various things. By simply adding characters and images, I was able to create multiple cell phone labels that communicated with other subjects. I just have a few questions. The first is what I did wrong. When I used the menu at a normal label that didn't apply the nvl mode conversion (0 and 2), it seemed that the phone rpy settings and the general settings conflicted. Is there a value to be specified to use the menu when it is not in the message state? The second question is that the name of the chat room at the top of the screen nvl's mobile phone background setting is applied as the other party's name. I could change this to change the name of the chat room or the other person's name. It seems that it was unreasonable to use when you wanted to show a message as if it were a separate message from each other. If I create a screen nvl2 and try to create another chat room, how do I load this nvl2 from the label?

Kia Azad

for the menu problem, remove line 134 `define menu = nvl_menu` and use `menu (nvl=True):` instead of normal menus for phone conversations.

경일 목

thanks for kind answer. i will try to that ^d^