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This weekend I've added some clickable objects to the locations and converted the whole dating sim into a point and click dating sim.
It's a more visual version of the default menus, adding more interest to the game. I'm planning to top it with the pick-able items to expand the tools you have for story telling.

Also I've added a shop example and an interface for the inventory. it's still pretty rudimentary but I'll leave it to you to expand, or tell me in which directions you want me to expand the functionalities.

It have gotten pretty complex and I'm hesitant to pile more on top and risk making it too confusing to use. Therefore, if there's no suggestions, I think adding the character info and putting a polish on some unfinished parts would be a good place to end this series.
Also, I've promised a while ago to overhaul the SMS code, turning it into a complete phone environment, I think I should do that next and possibly add it to this dating sim system as well.

You can download this weekend's progress from the attachments. 


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