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We have reached the goal of 50 dollars per months and I've promised to " Free up my weekends to work on the projects"
As promised, from the start of this month, I won't take jobs to do at weekends and all of that time I will be working on the games and materials I'm posting on my patreon. My weekends belongs to you now.
To begin with, I'm resuming the "Cheat Heat" project, since it's the only one I can create the art it needs myself. I might need some help with the writing at some point and your inputs along the way, you can expect more frequent posts specially pools to ask which direction the game should take.

Thank you for your kind support, both financial and your attention, You give me the courage to stray from a rigid work schedule and explore the world of possibilities out there.


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As much as I've gotten advice on making games, I'll support your creative activities.