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A simple script to mimic texting with smartphones in renpy. It's easy to set up and expand to fit any type of game.
I didn't bother with designing a phone body for it since I don't have any  game that requires instant messaging in it at the moment but I might  expand it to include more functionalities like beeping, a phone menu and  player input at some point.

Before adding it to my GitHub, it will be available exclusive to my patreons for a while, check the attachments

Edit: download the modified version from github instead (just the phone directory): https://github.com/Kiaazad/0GUI-Adds/tree/master/game


Smartphone SMS - IM for renpy

A simple script to mimic texting with smartphones in renpy. It's easy to set up and expand to fit any type of game. I didn't bother with designing a phone body for it since I don't have any game that requires instant messaging in it at the moment but I might expand it to include more functionalities like beeping, a phone menu and player input at some point. The code is on github now: https://github.com/Kiaazad/0GUI-Adds/tree/master/game If you're wondering why it took so long to add it to patreon here's the answer: https://www.patreon.com/posts/50811411



Very cool. Haven't loaded it in Renpy and played around with it yet. Is it possible to add multiple choice responses, and send/receive images?

Kia Azad

sure, I can add it to the code soon, I'll update the file and let you now in the next two rot three days

Kia Azad

Added the choices, just keep in mind that it's not a replacement for the default renpy scripting... yet... it doesn't have jumping and labels. I've been thinking about replacing the way renpy handles dialogues and characters with something more flexible, this might be a good place to start

Michael Emerson

Would it be possible to put the conversations into an external text file and then feed them in to the GUI do you think?

Kia Azad

there should be a function to read a text file and convert it into a variable. however, rpy files are text format as well, you can put your conversation variable in a rpy file the same way as a text file if you want.

Ivoryona Evans

Probably a silly question, but how would I turn on the "___is typing..." effect you have going on in the video? Im seeing its been commented out in the code. When I un comment it, I keep getting an error saying " 'phone_class' object has no attribute 'speaking' ". Thanks for any help with this, and thank you for sharing !

Kia Azad

the typing was dependent on a function calculating the duration, I'm working to add that one back. this time with more control over how it's showing for extra realism. hopefully it will be finished and added in today's update.

Ivoryona Evans

thank you so very much! I'm looking forward to that update ! keep up the amazing work <3