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Finally figured out the way to store the information for the gallery and it's now available on GitHub: https://github.com/Kiaazad/0GUI-Adds/tree/master/game/0GUI%20adds/Gallery

I tried to keep it as simple as possible but if you had any problem setting it up or have a question, feel free to contact me.


Neo (Pablo Cidade)

Hi, I have a couple of questions. I'm trying to set up this gallery and I'm not sure were to put the code. I put the code of gallery.rpy inside the screen.rpy, and the _gallery code.rpy as a separated file (because I had no idea were to put it) but is not doing anything or getting any errors. Were should I put the stuff?

Kia Azad

best way is creating a folder named gallery and puting both files in it. adding the code to the `screens.rpy` isn't necessary. after that open `gallery.rpy` and modify the file names to the images in your game. you can contact me on discord: Kia#6810 and I'll guide you through the process if you want.

Neo (Pablo Cidade)

I added the scripts to that folder, and modify the names on files to use my images, there is no error when launching but there is also no gallery on the main menu. I need to add code anywhere else, so the gallery is added to the menu?

Kia Azad

You need to add the gallery button to the navigation and main menu. for the button action use : ShowMenu("gallery")

Neo (Pablo Cidade)

now I'm getting it to show in the menu, but when I click on it it says "Name Error: name 'gall_bg' is not defined" but I cant find where the call to gall_bg is made.

Kia Azad

it's the name of image objects defined for the gallery, let's meet on discord and I'll guide you, we need to send few screenshots back and forth

Neo (Pablo Cidade)

tks a lot! let me install dicord here and will be right there, my discod name is neometalero, whats yours?