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This weekend I've started a scrapple like minigame, I've got the basic mechanics done and it's ready to implement the game logic.

I think I'll go with a single player, and a bit simpler gameplay, since writing an AI that can check the whole board and come up with a meaningful word to play would be pretty difficult. But let's see what I can think of until the next weekend.

the code is in the attachments, give it a try and let me know if you have any ideas.




How about if it worked as follows? Maybe not thaaat simple, but I think it'd be interesting xD Database Requeriments: * Centralized text format letters within the image of an empty square to be easy to replace characters if the game is translated into a language that uses another type of writing * List of common words according to the game translation * Number of words to be placed on the board * Timer to complete the challenge Generation of words by the system: 1) Choose randomly one of the words in the list and put inside the board (maybe at the center) 2) Detect the letters of the word that is on the board and tries to generate another one that has 1 letter in common, check if there's enough space on its left or righ if it's vertical, or on its top or bottom if it's horizontal, if so, cross the words intercepting in the letter in common. If there's no space available, then check another word with a letter in common 3) Repeat step 2 until the defined amount of words are on the board 4) Place each letter available within the space for the player to drag 5) Detect if the player was completed all the words when a letter is set on the board slot . If so, the victory label is activated 6) Activate the defeat label at the end of the timer

Kia Azad

It is a good idea, however, one day too late since I've already coded a different mode into the game. I did implement the word detection algorithm though, and the minigame returns a list of detected words for the developers to decide what to do based on them, hope that does the job.