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Hey everyone,

I've got some bad news about the recent poll with Rupee supposedly the winner...it's rigged.

Now, let me break it down for you.

So, last week, I noticed a sudden influx of 200 new pledges at $1 each. 

I was a bit puzzled about it, so I decided to dig into their emails and such. 

Turns out, they had these strange emails like "speedymail" and "fastmail"

I was pretty sure they were fake accounts.

And the funny thing is, they didn't realize I can see who voted for whom.

The tricky part is, this person made it seem like Rupee was winning against Saori by 1-10 votes.

There were 50 fake accounts thrown into the mix, and those votes are getting tossed out. T.T

I'm sorry, guys T.T

It turns out someone just really wanted to see a Nikke animation. 

I get the excitement, but let's not go down this route again...

I really want to satisfy everyone's need but i've got one body and time and resources are limited. 

The poll is the only way to keep the majority happy, so let's not mess with that, please...

Thank you guys for supporting! I really mean it. 

Hope you guys have great day!



Sad. As long as an animation comes out, we win. Chill out


If we decide the first place by voting, some characters might not be able to be the first place, so how about a system where we randomly select one from the top three?


I think that if you have made a type A video last month, you should reduce or eliminate the option of type A in the next month’s voting. Avoid sticking to the same type for multiple months in a row. You cannot keep doing a certain game just because there are many people playing it. this type of video.


that would feel unfair for higher voted places especially if the vote is mostly focused on one or two characters, trust me when i say this cuz i support an artist who kind of does this (top 3 get art, but the 1st place winner gets the smallest set b/c artist felt like drawing 2nd or 3rd place more) and it feels bad when your fav gets shafted like that. random would feel even worse cuz then it doesn't even necessarily mean the artist is happy with the outcome. but you are onto the right idea of giving runners-up a boost so they don't get stuck in purgatory! there are ways to do this that don't feel as unfair. patreon doesn't have ranked choice voting, so the next best thing i can think of would be to let 2nd and 3rd place get auto-added to the next poll, and given some ghost votes so they're more likely to win. idk what the right number would be, after all voting system satisfaction maximization is a whole subfield of mathematics/civics. maybe the difference of votes in between each place: so let's say 1st place gets 150 votes, 2nd gets 120, and 3rd gets 100. then 2nd place gets 30 ghost votes in the next poll and 3rd gets 20 ghost votes. maybe they just get a small percent of their old votes, or maybe just a flat number. hopefully rinhee implements something though, since i'm one of those people who tends to vote for characters who always lose lol


i'm in favor of something that doesn't let the same few series win over and over, but at the same time, if everyone's supporting because of the mass appeal, then it makes sense for the artist financially to cater to that. maybe a rule that we can't just have the same three series over and over, something like the top 3 represented series in the year are ineligible for the final poll of the year. so like, for this year, it would mean next month's poll can't have azur lane, blue archive, or honkai/genshin (they tied for 3rd), but it can have whatever else. just a hypothetical.


Either way I don't mind women are hot but vote rigging is not

Larry M

damn, sorry you had to deal with that

Mirage Frost

Been a month since this post, everything okay with Rinhee? Kinda concerning since you're usually active


Hope you're doing okay