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Hello guys, I'm back from my break! 

I spent my time learning how to draw manga and I'm thinking of using that new skill for next month's reward. 

Drawing manga is a blast, I get to draw all sorts of face expressions and bodies. 

If you guys remember Taihou manga, I promise it will be better than that.

But, I know you guys are here for animation, so I won't do it if the poll says no. 

to be clear Above picture is preview of this month's reward animation

Anyway, enjoy your meal!



I'm here for the glorious animations and manga sounds nice. However, if it will be a replacement for it during a month I'm going to go ahead and say no. Animations are godly. Too good to replace imo. So have to go with L’animation. ....oh and wb. :p *eats taco*

Demian Castro Rojas

Your animations are top notch. I'd love to see more of them

Tsubame Sakurai

Just for this month if we can have a animation, After this month if you want to do manga... I'm okay with that, i have just 1 question, you do just with one sheet or you do a Real doujin ?


케밥 먹고싶다


I dont dislike the manga but if i have to choose between the two of them, i choose the animation 100%


While i came for animation, i dont mind switching for a bit if you have the wish to


I don't mind either one tbh, I would enjoy seeing how much you've improved with your manga from time to time.


There will be always be more months to make animations. I would love to see what kind of manga you can create!!


Hmmm... im leaning towards animation since you do it so well but let's see your doujin first. Thing with doujin is there are lots of those online. So unless the story is really good, it would not be sought after.


honestly either is fine but i think specifically for implacable it would be really great if it was an animation

태영 안



I say do whichever one you're in the mood for because at the end of the day it's your channel and mixing things up would help prevent burnout

Larry M

Forgive me sister for I have to come


Feel free to make manga if youd like! Can always change up what you do. Draw manga once every second month or third month f. ex.