[Hereafter] Chapter CXXXII: Knight of Treachery (Patreon)
First chapter of the new year. And it's on time, too! Whoo! Taking a two week break did not magically make me forget how to keep a schedule!
This chapter underwent a name change as I got closer to the end, once it became clear that we weren't going to make it as far as I originally thought we were. That fight scene wound up taking up a lot more space than I thought it would, but on the plus side, Taylor got to alleviate some of her frustration about being on the sidelines. A happy accident?
I consulted Master Oogway, and he has informed me that their are no accidents.
I'm not sure I should be name-dropping you-know-who just yet, because not everyone knows the secret and that secret was a big hullabaloo in canon, so I might wind up editing it out for the general release. For now, though, I hope I didn't spoil anyone.
EDIT: Moving down all the way. 2/18/2024