Depravation 8.7 (Patreon)
2020-01-24 08:51:48
This one comes much, much later than I wanted it to be out, by about a week, actually, but it makes up for it by being about twice as long as a usual chapter.
There's a lot of fluff in this one. It really feels like a lot of filler, but it serves its purpose as the bridge between arc 8 and arc 9.
There isn't much else I can say without discussing the events of the chapter itself...
Oh! Right, the talk show host. Funnily enough, I imagined him looking like a cross between Pierce Brosnan and Timothy Dalton from their James Bond days, only with Stephen Colbert's personality. This Frankenstein monstrosity could only appropriately be named "James Dalton."
Aren't I clever? (Don't answer that.)