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So, as I mentioned before, I have decided of what I want to change around here. I will make a short version of the changes then I will explain more detailed if you have interest because I want to be the most transparent as possible. If you don't want to read, you can check the tiers descriptions and my home page and see what is different there ^^


1. Extinction of Discord Server
2. Extinction of Boss Tier (provisory?)
3. 10 new Politician Tier space (5 more in the future if I can handle)
4. More use of Politician Polls
5. Future projects (stories with text and illustrations, and maybe a visual novel in the future)
6. Requests and pump a request (you can comment pump in a request to give it more complexity)
7. Nsfw and other content
8. Commissions (price increased for outsiders, discount for patreons)


It has been already 16 months of patreon, and I already learned a lot in this time. Anything has changes on my patreon since the begining, besides the increase of 2usd on the Boss tier, so I got all the experience I got and now I am going to make some changes for good (I hope hahaha). I searched for other artist patreon's style and I saw that the most recurrent are making monthly content, but I dislike it since it kinda force people to be patreon every month and I don't think it is fair. My content will be always avaiable (unless I remove them one day lol).
     My routine is being very exhausting of 4-6 hours drawing and around 4 hours of study, plus house chores, and I think I got close to my limit last month, physicaly and mentaly. I had a lot of back pain and was getting really tired everyday, working even on weekends. It was partialy my fault to not knowing my limit hahaha. I am going to change this routine a bit, so that will mean I will have less time to draw. It won't affect my patreon negativaly, since I want to focus only on my Patreon drawings. That means I will work on more requests than usual, and do more things that everyone would enjoy than single commissions.
    With that said, my focus on my Patreon will make me try to reach more patrons and stop once for all doing individual commissions.
    Other reason is that I might be close to get a job, not too close though since it probably won't happen in at least two or three months hahaha but in order to keep the Patreon I need to make changes so I can manage a work and drawing routine. Maybe it can cause me to pause my patron for some time, or even close it (which I don't think it would happen since it is a 6 hours job).


1.  I think the Discord Server lost its purpose, and the main reason is that I don't have much time to give it attention and chat the same I used to.  So I will close it, but my Discord will be always open for receiving requests or comments.
2. I will delete the Boss tier. I found 2 main problems on it (besides the time management I mentioned before) that weren't a problem in the beggining. One is the change of my commission prices, since the Boss tier price is not flexible, it is hard to keep it that way. The second reason is that there is a month which I don't want to get commissions, and with that tier I have to do so. I will invite all of my Boss patrons to participate on the Politician tier, there will be space for all of them, and say sorry if it is a disapointment, but I really think these changes are for the best.
3. So since I am going to close Boss tier commissions, I will open 10 slots on Politician tier. I will open 5 more in the future if I can handle it.
4. I will put more polls during the month. The idea is to make the Politician feature feel more used, not only on Monthly theme. So I will try to be creative and make character challenges to choose my drawings and try to make contests some times in a year.
5. As my future projects I will try to follow the style of this contest: text stories with illustration. I have in mind a story for my cat OCs (NSFW included) and a super hero story (not fetish stuff) which I really want to do to see if you like them. I will look for someone to commission the stories for me because I want to keep it good quality. I have plans to make a visual novel style game, but it is more in the future. For comics, I still plan to do them, but I want to test this new format. I like it because comics take a really long time to make, but I might draw them yet since I have 2 ongoing projects with comics, and maybe there is a third to come.
6. I want to define better how I am going to do requests. Since they are not commissions, I will have more freedom to draw it. That will help me draw them faster and better (I think). I will let you choose it, related or not with the monthly theme, and if you want I can send the sketch for samall changes. You will be able to pump other request: if you see something very interesting and you want to see more of it, you can comment "pump" on other request and it will have more attention. If a request gets a lot of pumps, I can even make a sequence for it. You can pump it adding another character to it, making a couple drawing
7. About my content, it will not change essentialy. But since I am looking to find new people to follow me, I will try to stay a bit more on the line of NSFW drawings. I will avoid hyper dicks and hyper muscle, exaggerated cum, and will try to focus more on couples, bara, yaoi, macro and such. I don't think I am good enough on NSFW yet, and I will keep practicing it. I will avoid doing sexualized content with underaged character, so if I got any request of them I will try to change a bit his design, if it is not an OC.
8. Commissions won't change for patreons, the price will keep the same. But they will increase for non patrons. And, as said before, I will pick very less commissions so I can focus on my patreon requests and projects.

I think this is everything I wanted to tell you. I really hope these changes will be good for everyone and I am sorry if someone dislikes it. Thanks for everyone that has been supporting me all this time, it really changed my mind, and thanks for everyone that will keep supporting me ^^ I want to retribute the best I can, and I think this way it is going to be better tha  before.

Hope everyone is safe, and have an amazing day and week!


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