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RNG Master

I remember in season 1 Johnny was clowning on jjk for being kinda mid and nothing unique 😔

Armando Ruvalcaba

thanks for talking about the mappa stuff. you don't have to skip out on the episodes I think that understanding the situation is good enough. The animators are working extremely hard and i appreciated their work so much. as always this episode was peak


People need to realize that Mappa doesn’t have the same people do every anime. There’s separate groups of animators for each anime, so it doesn’t really matter how many animes they do, they’ll just hire more people if they need to. People just complain cause it’s trendy to virtue signal


NiGgA wHaT Mappa treats their people the same as every other Japanese company. They make stuff quicker because they have more staff and don’t rely on making everything super detailed like WIT for example. They have tons of strategies for making this stuff faster. Not condoning their practices but if you boycott Mappa you might as well stop watching anime in general

Sam Marshall

bro you cant just hire more animators and magically make the episodes look good, they have different teams of people but still overworking the hell out of them cause they have insane schedules... episodes this season are still being worked on hours before release, animators areprobably working nonstop allnighters just to barely finish on time


They are NOT still working on the episode hours before release that’s just impossible. This is my issue with y’all, you exaggerate the facts. There’s much worse companies that don’t get this level of hate, but hopefully this sends a message to ALL studios to create better practices as the years go on

RNG Master

@johnny and @chris read the discord "stuff we missed " channel cause you missed a lot this episode and just flat out misunderstood a lot of things too


damn my dude seth knows everything he must work at mappa


Megumi would have to defeat Makora in order to control it. but he can summon it whenever to fight it, which is what he did here.


Don't forget Mappa had Attack on Titan as well.


You're saying the directors and animators working on this show who have been commenting and making statements about work schedules are just complaining because it's trendy to virtue signal, and it has nothing to do with being overworked?


I said that Mappa had problems the same way all the studios have problems. Trying to boycott one specific studio instead of bringing awareness to the work culture in general is stupid. Y’all don’t complain about the borderline slaves making our phones and clothes