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stephanie johnson

The ending is not open ended. Asides from the war not stopping, its inferred that kid will gain the founding titan the same way Ymir gained it by going into that tree


Yes it is, Eren can see future inheritor memories yet he never saw any so there might not be more future titans. Plus the tree looking similar doesn’t mean there’s a parasite thing inside it


Dialogue matters so much in this show... every bit is so important, and anything you miss or misinterpret throws it all out of whack. Mikasa didn't imagine talking to Eren in the cabin, like someone said above, he spent 4 years with her in the paths, going with the plan she originally wanted, and told her at the end she needed to forget him. He gave her the ending she asked for, then erased her memory of it, but she regained it in that moment, before choosing to kill him. Ymir knew all along that Mikasa's choice would bring about the end of Titans and her suffering, and led Eren to bring about that future. Her headaches all this time were Ymir looking into Mikasa's mind. The moment with Armin happened when he was on the boat, I think you got that part. Eren had that entire conversation with him, told him what would happen, and erased his memory as well. He visited everyone, and erased their memories. Eren mentioned that he tried multiple times to change the outcome, but no matter what he did, things kept happening according to the future he saw. He couldn't find an alternative outcome. They showed an example of this in the last special, when he decided he wouldn't save the kid in the alley, but not by choice he ended up saving him anyway. He knew Mikasa would do something in the end to bring out this outcome, and his actions were intent on reaching that outcome. He knew everything he did would lead to this outcome, with 20% of humanity left outside the walls, matching the population of humanity within the walls, so their wouldn't be a one sided war of attrition that followed, a war that would wipe out everyone on the island. Personal opinion... Eren said this was the only result possible, because an idiot like him gained this power. That feels to me like the situation with Kiritsugu Emiya in Fate/Zero. The grail couldn't grant him a wish with an outcome by a means he couldn't come up with by himself. My take on Ymir... because she loved King Fritz when she died, her spirit couldn't break away from that loyalty to his ideals, and she waited 2000 years for someone to forcibly end things, and that person was Mikasa. She believed Mikasa could overcome being bound by her love for Eren, which she herself wasn't able to do when she was alive. Remember, Ymir took that spear for King Fritz. Mikasa took out Eren instead. Ymir steered Eren to that destiny, to force Mikasa's hand, and to bring about her own end and the end of Titans.