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RNG Master

I Warned you guys when u started this that season 3 is whack af if you haven't read the manga you can't get it


hmmm? outside of the reze plotline if you sit for a minute you defo can


The whole thing of kanekis mom working herself to death was something kaneki made up to himself to cope with the fact she beat him. Guns dont work on ghouls but they can make Guns from ghoul corps like that plasma cannon so in certain scenarios ghoul guns can work but its not like they are more effective then other ghoul weapons. V is the group that killed the old man mangers wife after he left to raise there kid. Half ghouls will trigger ghoul censors if they are not related to V. and yes sachi that ghoul was the guy kaneki fought in S2 that had him trigger his kakuja thats why he fought kaneki back then the scent of reze


and for the next 2 or 3 eps you might be confused in a sudden scene on island it is happening real time as kaneki is breaking hinami out its not a future or past event.


So this is one of those moments where if you didnt read the manga you're gonna be lost. Cause theres really absolutely no way we could of came to that conclusion on our own just watching this episode


the mom scene 100% shit i didnt know as a anime only myself. the rest is explained in previous seasons if vaguely. is the show dropped? almost at the end xD good backstory next ep 2 lol


just the mom part which isnt that important everything else makes sense and has been explained


where is episode 12?