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RNG Master

The whole scene about Canute stopping the waves was to show that even if he's the strongest viking in the world he is not God. He can't control the flow of the waves. Remember in season 1 he had the epiphany of saying fuck you for waiting for God to save them. He realized that God is never going to stop the suffering and violence caused by the vikings and that he has to do it himself "making paradise on earth" rather than hoping for paradise after death "valhalla" he doesn't believe in that anymore. Canutes goal is to save the vikings (not all humans) just the vikings. He wants to save them from themselves from giving into their natural impulses to pillage, destroy and rape which he blames god for making them this way. He is defying God's will or human nature. That's why he specifically referred to what he was doing as a "rebellion against god" His method of reaching this goal as Chris said is to unite all of the vikings under one banner and become a dictator and to kill anyone who opposes that goal. It's very similar to Sasukes goal at the end of the war arc. It's basically to force humans to live by rules and laws he says and to stop conflict altogether. To achieve this goal he needs even more power, even more men and even more wealth and one of the ways to get the wealth and power is to take ketils farm