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just in case no one explained, cause it will confuse you when it happens later. Season 2 did change some big things how some events play out, and didnt do things like the manga which I understand you guys know that, but aside from that now in season 3 they continue the story like it was the manga, so those changes from season 2 dont connect to season 3, so now you'll sometimes get info that you would have gotten from the season 2 time if it did do the manga, but you wont recognize it, so some stuff will be confusing cause the show doesn't do a good job of helping you realize that


Y’all reacted exactly how I reacted when I watched this episode a few years ago 🤣


half ghouls are stronger cuz they hardly ever exist so naturally the odds of them being stronger are higher like eto strong parent etc


I dont see how that makes sense. What does them hardly existing have to do with whether or not they have higher odds of being stronger?


tbh when this episode first came out i was so lost it felt like a brand new series


watching this after all these years i really dont see why this show is hated so much ik the manga is immaculate but the anime is solid


Because their rarity is likely to result in them being guarded way more, even by those other than their parents. It's almost mythical to have that happen


Y’all just making stuff up lmao