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Tokyo Ghoul Season 1 Episode 1


Tokyo Ghoul Season 1 Episode 2


Tokyo Ghoul Season 1 Episode 3


Tokyo Ghoul Season 1 Episode 4





hope yall watch whole thing through gets alot of flack thats undeserved. otherwise ill go with my usual take why start the show in the first place if mind was made up LOL. imoits like a cote deal cote as a LN adaption was pretty bad but as a anime only show it is good. same here tokyo ghouls top 2 hate comments are literally cut content and confusing.

RNG Master

After season 1 read the manga Bros the rest of the anime is not worth the adaptation is ass


literally cringe comment. its not ass perhaps your spoiled or ofc its an adaption not the manga they are not manga readers why is it relevant to them. imagine not watching a show past a season cuz some random guy told u its bad. living like this is fine but the fact they watching at all if they were to take said approach is cringe asf

RNG Master

I watched all the seasons and read the manga. The adaptation after season 1 is objectively horrible and has horrendous pacing


even still dropping the show is crazy


literally shits a nit pick more then half anime watchers have ever even used the word pacing its a grp word that comes from the cry baby perfectionists

RNG Master

If you didn't read the manga you would not be able to follow the story at all... they also skipped so many chapters of content it's ridiculous


Guys chill out lol, were gonna watch the anime all the way through no matter what, and sure I may check out the manga too. Maybe even for a video or live stream


i didnt read the manga bro maybe your on the slower end. everything is explained that needs to be even if parts of it are skipped same outcome


Please watch it in Dub it’s so much better, the voice acting really fits the characters. Or at least try an episode of it, people will watch the reaction regardless