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LINK: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1--71ZAr4Loo1ahngW-OGcntM8ymYQyL6/view?usp=share_link



Idris Naama

Yessss you listened! Thank you! Now time to see your reaction!

Cxw jedi

Emilias past is shown for in the trial then in anything. This was more focused about puck and emelias story the actualy anime will help this make sense.


It does implicate Puck being Contracted to Echidna tho, at least as a form of specific mission-type Contract at any rate


The Lesser Spirits are simply particles of X Element, pretty much none of them are the same generally, because there's bazillions of them everywhere in the world (altho they generally have their own preferred territories based on environmental elements, so Fire Lesser Spirits love living around volcanoes n shieet etc. This is why it's so weird to see a lonesome Fire Lesser Spirit in such a heavy cold-type environment, which would be more common living area for the blue bois generally)


I think it was supposed to translate as half-devil, not half-demon. Like the half elf part of her was the devil part.


For some reason, crunchyroll removed audio from starting part (there is actually narrators saying those lines you see flash at start of the movie) that narrator voice is present on japanes broadcast and the Bluray but removed on crunchyroll. I can tell you guys the name if you are okay with it (do reply)


I think in an interview author said 'rezero is story about Emilia but we are just seeing it from POV of Subaru'. Also this movie (the present part towards the end with Subaru and snowman) actually takes place all the way back between ep11 and ep12 of season 1 (before Subaru goes to royal capital with Emilia and makes a fool of himself.