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LINK: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Y8HKMC2bfJBzz2YGYuvNbzaydLQFLsP7/view?usp=share_link




Well yes and no. On genetic level, Vash IS a Human. But he's technically a Plant in every other way that matters (the reason it's possible for him to be biologically 100% Human, is because Plants are extra-dimensional lifeforms w/ energy-matter conversion racial passive, this energy being pulled from higher dimensions from limited stock by each individual Plant as per their specializations. So basically his 3D bits are 100% identical to Humans in practice on DNA level, but that doesn't factor in the metaphysical bits in higher dimensions than base 3D, most notably the Gate used to channel said energy-matter conversion capabilities on atomic level to materialize stuff from "nothing") I think originally before Humans somehow found out about Plants, they presumably would have reproduced sexually like normal, but after Humans found em, this gave way to cellular cloning essentially (it's prolly far more effective, there's a reason cloning is so common in sci-fi, especially if you want to mass produce stuff & be able to use it within shorter timespan than naturally possible), w/ birthing being rarer as time went on, but not rare enough for there to be no theoretical/offhand mentions of such a thing being possible as far as the sciences go And I think either one of the Plants decided to asexually pop out the twins, or it was some type of Plant-Plant action going on (it'd be trivial to form the 3D bits to look practically Human on DNA level, since Plants specialize in said energy-matter conversion on sub-atomic level, so them configuring the atoms to be identical to Human DNA should be simple enough, as long as they know how to do the processes via some type of a mental blueprint. After all Humans are already cloning Plants via cell cultivars, so I think if they wanted to, they could also just clone Humans too, likely would have discovered the means of cloning Humans before they ever discovered Plants were a thing, tech progression wise, it just seems more intuitive that way to me)